Academy F-8E Crusader
3 6 January 2016, 09:28

Wow, thats a nice one! Beautiful weathering! These Academy Crusaders are great kits;)
6 January 2016, 10:39

very nice work, one could easily take this one for a larger scale... congratz..
6 January 2016, 12:16

thanks guys. Sure is, this Academy kit is a little gem, just needed some rubbing.
6 January 2016, 12:56

Thank you all. Academy kits of late are getting better with improved Cartograf decals. Makes all the difference!
7 January 2016, 02:41

Great model, Danumurthi!👍
Very accurate. The shading is phantastic. Only the panel lines appear a little bit overdone to me.
7 January 2016, 06:47

Great build, maybe the wash is bit too dark as Ulf already mentioned, but it still looks v.well
7 January 2016, 08:41

Agree with the panel lines. its a bit too overwhelming. I should have done it with med/dark grey rather than black.
7 January 2016, 11:22

perhaps looks a bit too "cartoonish" with all the shading and dark wash, but in a good way. I like it. It looks like a kit which you would use to attract youngsters to modelling. It looks so badass with that sharkmouth and rockets on the sides etc.
Alltogether very crisp and clean. I love the yellow window outlines.
7 January 2016, 11:37

😮 Oh, yes! Black is an extreme choice for the panel lines washing. Grey would be a better idea indeed - next time! 😉
7 January 2016, 12:59

Vladimir and Ulf - Thanks. Would love to work on another one to to try a different approach and see how different it will be. By the way... I cheated...the yellow window lines are decals included in the kit. Very thin and percise.
7 January 2016, 22:55
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This is absolutely a gorgeous kit. The F-8E Crusader is really tiny but you gotta see some of the details that Academy puts into this. and the Cartograf decals really makes the building experience a pleasant one. First time I used the combination of Mr. Mark Setter and Mr. Mark Softer. Very powerful stuff. It was really worth it. I will try again so to know if the results are consistent.