Work in progress
31 August 2016, 10:59

why did you repaint the body? Didn't look too bad. What kind of paint did you use?
16 February 2017, 23:11

If you take a close look you wilk see I've rubbed to plastic when polishing. Paint is from local car paint shop. And gloss lacquer is Gunze GX100
17 February 2017, 06:02

aaah, now i see it. You have to be careful at the edges, have had the same issue myself
17 February 2017, 11:02

Added few pictures after 2h of polishing with Tamiya Medium and Fine compunds. In reality still some scratches are present... 🙁
7 March 2017, 22:42

looks great! From my personal experience i would suggest using Tamiyas coarse compound at first, it's pretty abrasive and removes fine scratches, but gives a nice basic shine, too. After it you polish again with a finer compound. Prior to polishing wetsand the surface as fine as possible, i use 2000 grid paper and 4000 grid trizact pads by 3m as the last step. Works great
8 March 2017, 17:48

Thanks Alexander. Before compounds I've sanded orange peel with wet Mr Laplos #6000 and #8000.
8 March 2017, 21:24

ah ok, you already did. Your paint job looks flawless though, you'll always end up with some scratches here and there. Just as in real life, nothing is perfect, not even brand new showroom cars, that's the way i look at things😉 cheers
9 March 2017, 18:29

Someone told me that It can be fault of paper towel I've used. I'm going to trpeat polishing with some soft cotton cloth. I'll give up if It doesn't help.
9 March 2017, 22:06

Paper towels are not the right choice for polishing, they can get hard edges when folded. I use old t-shirts, really. Cut them into small handy pieces (10x10 cm) and voila
10 March 2017, 08:05

Painted engine bay and window seals. Also glued together photoetched grill.
2 June 2017, 20:24

Hey, you are getting there! Beautiful work so far, engine looks great, nice eye for details!
11 September 2017, 09:23