Testors/Italeri Kubelwagen
1 25 September 2016, 06:58

Looks amazing, more photos please! I've been thinking of doing something similar, but I have so many project ideas already...
17 April 2017, 13:42

An update; this little build won a first at a local show yesterday....
24 April 2017, 09:10

Thank you. Totally unexpected tbh, many,many more models here that were just as deserving if not more so.
24 April 2017, 10:59

We very often see problems with our models that others don't. But it's good that you are critical of your work, because it makes you a better modeller. It's always nice to learn that you are better than you think you are. Your prize is well deserved, I think so and so did the judges.
24 April 2017, 18:02
Album info
A little project just for fun -startb on holidays during the summer, and grabbing some benchtime here and there- now just about finished. Still toying with the idea of adding a figure- perhaps a kid exploring the wreck... ( but my figure painting skills are in need of serious development)