Eastern Provincial Airways Dart Herald
2 4 April 2017, 19:39

The kit is really horrible to work with. Bad fits everywhere, the windows are terrible. Lots and lots of filler needed. I filled all the windows in all around.
4 April 2017, 22:30

No wonder the receiver was pleased, it's lovely. Wish I would get one of those kits and build it one day...
5 April 2017, 08:19
Album info
This is a replica of CF-NAF, a Handley Page Dart Herald that was operated in Canada by EPA in the 60's. On March 17, 1965 it had a catastrophic failure of the fuselage and disintegrated in midair at 12,000 feet over Nova Scotia. All 8 aboard were killed, 5 passengers and 3 crew. The son of the pilot asked me to build this model using the Frog (Novo) kit. I had to design and print all of the decals myself for this one. Tons of time involved. In the end, he was very pleased with the results.