Ta 154 A0
4 16 April 2017, 07:11

..... and here is the A0. Fit is pretty accurate, engine nacelles and wing leading edges willl have to be sanded once again.
18 April 2017, 19:26

Watching. I have the Pro-Modeler version of this kit. That sure is a lot of lead.
18 April 2017, 19:28

A lot of lead! Necessary, but I hope it want collapse the rather delicate landing gear 🙂
18 April 2017, 19:31

I know what you mean. I wonder if they make a set of metal gear for it.
18 April 2017, 19:38

scalemates.com/kits/147744-s..ito-whitemetal-undercarriage maybe this is what you need?
19 April 2017, 04:36

Hey mates, thank you all for your helpful comments! Thomas, that´s very kind!
I will try to put them on the kit-gears, but its comforting to know there would be help if needed.
20 April 2017, 07:41

Everything prepared for priming and preshading the A0!
29 April 2017, 09:40

Thank you very much for your comments- heavy fighter! Indeed! 🙂
Blotches of "RLM 75" have been painted free hand over the base of "RLM 76", for both colors Gunze Acrylics have been used.
After doing some details with the paint, glossy clear will be applied to get the decals applied.
1 May 2017, 18:45

A little update on the "A0": Colors and a first impression of some wear and tear have been applied, everything seems ready to get a proper coat of Gunzes clear mat on the surfaces tomorrow.
6 May 2017, 17:56

Thank you very much mates!
Today I managed to shade the gloss with Gunzes clear mat- now the surfaces have been finished! Pics will follow tomorrow I guess.
7 May 2017, 17:13

Camouflage is nicely painted... decals seem invisible on the surface...
8 May 2017, 07:51

Thank you Bart, indeed, the decals in the Dragon boxing are of highest standard! A joy to apply...
The only complain is that there are no stencils of any kind.
Revells decal sheet includes those but they are not read- and, therefore, -usable.
8 May 2017, 08:40

A few pictures of undercarriage and the exhausts- I guess the Ta-154 A0 is in the home straight! 🙂
12 May 2017, 20:45

Finally finished the second Ta-154. As with the V1 some reworking and scratching had to be done.
Thank you for watching!
17 May 2017, 09:38

Your comments make me glad, thank you Bart and Clifford!
20 May 2017, 08:15