F-15 C 482° FW RAF Lakenheath
June 25, 2017This is my project's subject, an F-15 C MISP II based at RAF Lakenheat.Here it's got a darker nose cone, probably a sparefrom an E, but I'm going to represent it at a different time of its life, with its original one.2
June 24, 2017Let's get started with a little dry test, to see the fitting ofthe front halves and the back fuselage.3
June 24, 2017Being an MISP II version, there are a few modifications to be done, first of all the landing hook's frame to be removed.4
June 24, 2017That was easy! better now!5
June 24, 2017Here I've added a little detail to thhe dash board.6
June 24, 2017Front view7
June 24, 2017The kit's seat, on the right, and the one I used, from an F-16 Italeri, on the left.8
June 24, 2017I'll represent the aircraft landing, thus a pilot is needed.An old Hasegawa should do the job, but the helmet will have to be modified.The guy fits well to the seat...9
June 24, 2017...and to the "office"!10
June 24, 2017The "office " fits well to the font fuselage halves.11
June 24, 2017Once painted, the panel should be ok.12
June 24, 2017Let's put it in!13
June 24, 2017The junction between the front and rear fuselage is a bit tricky as there aren't any location pins.I had to stick some strips of plasticard at both sides,to help shapes pairing.Filler will be needed.14
June 24, 2017I also added the P.E.parts to the nose wheel bay, but then I realized the door will be closed!!!15
June 24, 2017Seems ok.16
June 25, 2017Rear view.17
June 24, 2017Let's check how the canopy fits.18
June 25, 2017Now is time to fit the canopy frame, as it'll complete the front fuselage. I attached a piece of plasticard at its base, to improve and beef up the assembly.19
June 25, 2017The front of the frame fits ok20
June 25, 2017This gap can be easily filled.21
June 24, 2017It's time to start giving it some colour!22
June 25, 2017The canopy frame has been glued in position.23
June 24, 2017The seat belts will be added later, for now the seat is done.24
June 24, 2017Gray first, then a bit of masking and some black.25
June 24, 2017I should be nearly there.26
June 24, 2017Black dry brushing over the grey base brought some detail out.27
June 24, 2017Let's see what it looks like once in place.28
June 24, 2017mmh...seems ok!29
June 24, 2017The panel isn't bad.I'm happy I saved some money on a resin pit.30
June 25, 2017The oxigen hose must be extended, so I've tought top replace it with some made out of brass wire of different sizes: a thicker one as a core and a thinner one to replicate the corrugation.31
June 24, 2017The canopy frame is ready to be glued. It's now time to check the pilot and the oxigen hose.32
June 24, 2017Should be ok, time for some painting now!33
June 24, 2017Painted pilot.34
June 24, 2017Painted pilot and seat.35
June 24, 2017Ready to be inserted in the front fuselage.36
June 24, 2017Here the guy in his Office.37
June 24, 2017Here the guy in his Office.(2)38
June 24, 2017Here the guy in his Office.(3)39
June 24, 2017Rear view of the the guy in his Office.40
June 24, 2017The main wheel bays were detailed, There isn't much in the real ones and doors will be closed, so I kept it soft.41
June 24, 2017I hate sanding, but I couldn't avoid it here!!!Once happy with the finish, white paint42
June 24, 2017Once fitted into the fuselage,thefront was adapted, sanded and painted white.43
June 24, 2017Time to concentrate on the engines ducts...what can I say...a bit of fantasy must be used if you want to depict the model without the FOD.44
June 24, 2017The engine fans are painted and fitted at the ducts' back.45
June 25, 2017This is how it looks like .46
June 24, 2017Time now to glue the back fuselage halves and wings.47
June 24, 2017Some tape and clamps will keep everything together. until the glue dries.48
June 24, 2017Timre to glue the front section too.49
June 24, 2017The right back section on the MISP II version differs from the left one, so I started some shaping work by using pieces of sprue, plasticard and cianoacrylate (superAttack super glue)to get the right shape.50
June 24, 2017Here a step forward and dry fit for the tails,previousy cut and re-positioned with a alight angle.51
June 24, 2017Nearly there!52
June 24, 2017Falps were glued in the landing position and ailerons were positioned with an angle for a more dynamic look.53
June 24, 2017Rear view of the beast.54
June 24, 2017Having to fit the P.E. grills, I cut their perimeters off...55
June 24, 2017and added some pieces of plasticard glued from the inside, to be slighty deeeper.56
June 24, 2017Same thing under the belly.57
June 24, 2017Once painted black they should give it some depth.58
June 24, 2017Let's try and we'll see if it works.59
June 24, 2017Added the grills and sanded the excess of color away, to see how it looks.60
June 24, 2017Time to paint the weel bays interiors: black first to getsome shadows...61
June 24, 2017...and then a very. diluted white, to keep some shadows62
June 24, 2017Then the main wheel bays.63
June 24, 2017Same procedure.64
June 24, 2017And now a bit of good old scratch!The air brake interior's detail is a little bit poor.So I cut a plate from a plasticard sheet and detailed it with ROSIE the riveter65
June 24, 2017With the addition of this, it looks far better!66
June 25, 2017...and detailed, it looks far better!67
June 24, 2017Now the same treatment as for the weel bays: blak first...68
June 24, 2017...and then white, followed by a wash to highlight the detail.The only problem is...the airbrake interior...ISN'T WHITE!!! So, later in the project, i had to paint it the same grey of the top fuselage!!!69
June 24, 2017Now the time has finally come for the airbrush to do its trade!A base of black , to start with, and then the two greys.70
June 24, 2017I know it's a bit unortodox to proceed this way, but it was my first time to test this technique and I wasn't sure the black base wouldn't have darkened the colorss, so I started this way and...I just went on!71
June 24, 2017I like this technique, as it allows you to have good control over the level of shades you want to achieve.72
June 24, 2017my tidy work bench...the kitchen table!!!73
June 24, 2017We're nearly there!74
June 24, 2017Painting the tails was real fun.The left one had thecontrol panel replaced and thus the black and yellow stripes aren't complete.75
June 24, 2017The right one.76
June 24, 2017Once painted and with decals, I didn't glue them until the end of the project, as they could easily be removed.77
June 24, 2017The camouflage was corrected a few times , to get the darker "clouds" right.78
June 24, 2017The nose cone is slightly different, but it's a C cone at this stage of the aircraft's life.79
June 24, 2017Then I masked the back area...80
June 24, 2017...to spray it with Alclad aluminium.81
June 24, 2017Once dried, I shadowed some areas, to give some volume, with Smoke Tamiya.82
June 24, 2017It's now time for some wash to highlight the panel lines and some touches to represent leakings and dirt.83
June 24, 2017Back view of the painted model.84
June 24, 2017Back view of the bottom side.85
June 24, 2017Bottom side, quite dirty, but this area is always the dirtiest one.86
June 24, 2017Top side with washes and decals.87
June 24, 2017It isn't resin, but, once painted , it shouldn't be bad!88
June 24, 2017The kit exausts with the P.E. applied.89
June 24, 2017Once painted, they aren't bad at all!90
June 24, 2017In order to depict the aircraft while landing, I extended the front wheel leg.91
June 24, 2017Back first...92
June 24, 2017...and whire, as fo the wheel bays.93
June 24, 2017The kit wheels have a very nice detail , highllighted by a good wash.94
June 24, 2017The ventral tank is a reminder of the old camouflage worn by the Eagles.Here I've masked to paint some stencils.95
June 24, 2017Bottom view wth the ventral tamk.96
June 24, 2017Main gears legs are added and flares didpencer ( painted red )97
June 24, 2017The weapons set from a Kinetic F-16 came to help and supplied the missiles.98
June 24, 2017The kit launchers were modified , as those from the kit are old style.99
June 24, 2017the P.E.set gave a bit of detail.100
June 24, 2017The full set is ready to be fitted to the model.101
June 24, 2017Launchers and missiles painted and ready to be fittd.102
June 24, 2017the landing gears dooes being painted.103
June 24, 2017A bit of scratch was needed to detail the airbrake.104
June 24, 2017airbrake and doors ready.105
June 24, 2017at the front left side there are some exercise markings.106
June 24, 2017All sub-assemblys are ready.107
June 24, 2017Once detalied with some piping and fitted, the main gears were painted and washed.108
June 24, 2017Front landing gear and door fitted.109
June 24, 2017Main gears, doors, ventrall tank and missiles fitted.110
June 24, 2017Now it's time to concentrate on the stand.111
June 24, 2017Painted grey first , then masked and pained the white lines ,shaded at both ends.112
June 24, 2017Added the frame.113
June 24, 2017...and the Squadron badges, printed and laminated.114
June 24, 2017Here it is, the finished model on its stand.115
June 24, 2017116
June 24, 2017117
June 24, 2017118
June 24, 2017119
June 24, 2017120
June 24, 2017121
June 25, 2017122
June 25, 2017123
June 25, 2017124
June 25, 2017125
June 25, 2017126
June 25, 2017127
June 25, 2017128
June 25, 2017
3 23 June 2017, 19:32

Well done, and great build documentation! It really looks like it took a lot of work to get this kit to look as good as yours does, especially from a fit standpoint. Love the diorama too. Thanks for sharing!
25 June 2017, 16:40

I haven't finished my comments , but I'm new and it takes alittle while to do it.Thank you anyway!
25 June 2017, 18:03
Project info
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