Tamiya USS Enterprisevyhliadka: Prezentácia Mozaika zoznam 1July 2, 2017 2July 2, 2017 3July 2, 2017 Komentáre2 July 2017, 13:09Tim HeimerLooks great! Captains last words...I've got a sinking feeling! LOL 2 July 2017, 14:59Brad Furminger autorThanks, Timothy. I'd been out of the hobby for awhile, and this was my first battleship in over 30 years. Happy with the results. 2 July 2017, 15:56Martin OostromI can see why you're happy 👍 Welcome back! 2 July 2017, 15:57Project infoTamiya Bismarck3 snímky1:350dokončenýBismarck Wehrmacht Kriegsmarine (German Navy 1935-1945)Smieť 1941Dark Sea grey, Flat Black, Dark grey, Flat White, Dull Red Všetky albumyZobraziť všetky albumy »