Work in Progress
11 6 September 2017, 11:41

This is a kit i neglected for a long time, after loosing my initial motivation for it. While building the f/a-18, i decided to give it a try again and start painting the cockpit anew. Decals, washs and highlights will be done soon.
6 September 2017, 11:47

Welcome aboard Mike. Yes, those decals are provided with the kit. One instrument panel has 4 seperate decals, the other 6. And then there are 4 decals for the side panels.
9 September 2017, 14:52

Ok. Thats impressive. Did you have to shave off any raised panel surfaces to get them so neatly flush. ?
9 September 2017, 22:20

There is some raised detail on the side panels, which you should remove before applying the decals. You don't have to remove anything from the instrument panels, which however forces you to use the decals or go for some scratch build.
9 September 2017, 23:52

Thanks David. I had some fun with the Revell Tornado 1/72 kit (2000) instrument decals but this one seems a lot better. I see this is a 2013 release and it looks fab.
9 September 2017, 23:59

Had I known, I would have taken some pictures of it in Topeka... 🙁
10 September 2017, 02:52

I like to lay the decal over the raised detail, if it is a reasonably close, and use solva set to get it to melt down into the details.
Hopefully the fit on this one is better than the 18.
10 September 2017, 04:20

Welcome aboard! I started this kit a long time ago and then put it on hold for a long time. I´m living on the 2nd floor and my modelling workshop is down in the cellar. So, whenever i build a kit, i try to start another one that i can work on, if paint or glue has to dry on the first one. If i didn´t, i would either sit next to it waiting, or run up and down the stairs all day. So the Voodoo will be limping along the f/a-18. So far, i have to say the kit is really nice. The fit on wings and fuselage is very good. You will have to put work on the intakes, since they consist of several parts. But they are smooth on the insides and didn't have sink holes. The cockpit is nice oob, but leaves you alot room to detail it further if you want to. Funny thing about the kit is the option to have it carry two different kind of missiles at once. The kit provides a kind of revolving "trapdoor" under the fuselage, so you can switch the armament. The decals look very nice, however the roundels aren't perfect. Both versions provided are quite interesting and well documented.
@Mike The decals are from 2013, the kit itself is way older tough. Except for the toy-like missile-trapdoor you don't notice the age tough.
10 September 2017, 10:19

I will keep my eyes open for this one then. Need to do my 1/48 though. LOL
And I like to get two kits going at once as well for the same reasons. I just started up my MiG 21 as I am finishing my A-1H and brought the 1/48 B-1 down off the shelf to get going as well. So totally with you there
10 September 2017, 14:16

Donald you really should. It's a nice kit, especially for the price. You can get it for around 10€ or cheaper. Worse kits of this size are considered a fair bargain by some at around double that price.😉
10 September 2017, 14:30

Did some more painting on the cockpit and finished it. Also decided to do some more assembling and encountered a problem with the "trapdoor" for the different weapons. It will be some work to get it to revolve properly. Not sure yet, if i will go for this option, since i fear there will be unnatural gaps. I will make sure to take some pictures of it, the one way or the other. What's way more annoying is, that the clear parts are very brittle and even tough i was very careful removing them from the sprue, the front part now has a dent on one side. Not sure if there is a way to repair it. :\
17 September 2017, 21:31

The front undercarriage is a bit fragile too.
I just glued the revolving door the way I liked it. But overall this is a very nice plane.
24 September 2017, 08:36

Thanks Lukasz, Erik and Donald. Finally had some time to do some modelling again. Maybe i get some more done this weekend. Looking forward to do the exhausts.
7 October 2017, 09:27

Thanks ForestFan! Today i did finished it some more, not as much as i wished tough... my 2y/o daughter decided that she wants to be a modeller too and wanted to build her own plane. I gave her an old, neglected kit of mine and she painted it silver with the airbrush and decided to paint it some more blue and red. Then we glued it on a plastic stand from another model. She is very proud of the result. However i think i am a little bit more proud then she is. 😛
8 October 2017, 21:01

Good for her and you both! Hopefully she keeps that interest.
8 October 2017, 22:51

Yeah, i do hope so too. Really looking forward to her sitting next to my bench and building and painting stuff on her own.
9 October 2017, 07:47

So sad to see that a 2 y/o has better airbrush abbilities than me... What a cool way to enhance the father-daughter bond! 🙂
9 October 2017, 13:29

Patrick, It's just a really thick coat of vallejo air silver to be honest. At first i wanted to just give her a brush, but she definetly wanted to use the airbrush. And she didn't want to stop after a first coat. It will be some time, until i can let her use the airbrush without guiding her hand.😉
9 October 2017, 19:16

I rather like the red silver blue camo pattern. I may have to try that on a future build.😉
9 October 2017, 23:27

Thanks alot guys. Donald, she picked the colors herself. Not sure if by chance or by design. The way that vampire flies trough our house, they weren't intended as a camouflage but rather a warning sign to our cat and other innocent bystanders. Concerning the voodoo, i yesterday put on some of the decals already. I guess i will finish the decals today. Must say i just love those high vis jet schemes. Will put on some progress pictures later.
10 October 2017, 06:31

Looking good. I have this kit and have not started - glad I can see that this can be finished so nicely
10 October 2017, 18:57

Hallo David,
What can you tell me about the compressor on the image. Is it good? runs smoothly? noisy? any issues with it?
Thank you in advance.
10 October 2017, 19:04

Thanks Dave, it's a nice kit just be careful when removing the clear parts from the sprue!
10 October 2017, 19:22

Rui, i can't tell you much about it. Since it's the only compressor i ever had and used. Bought it about 2 years ago on amazon and it works fine for me. I haven't had any problems with it, but i guess you can find more expansive ones that run smoother and less noisy. 🙂
10 October 2017, 19:25

Thx for the feedback David. Much appreciated. 👍
No, I'm looking for the cheaper ones.😉
The more expensive sometimes use this model but change the name for a different brand.😎
10 October 2017, 19:44

Well it still works like the first day i used it two years ago. I paid around 80,00€ for it with a cheap airbrush and it enables me to do the paintjobs i want to do. I guess there is way more room of improvement in my personal painting skills than in a better compressor. So i think i can recommend it.
10 October 2017, 20:17

I have that same compressor I think. Runs great. The model looks awesome sir. Seems certainly worth the effort.
10 October 2017, 21:54

Thanks Donald, at the moment i don't have alot of time to model, but i managed to get some more of the decals on. Next are decals on the belly and the ext. fuel tanks. Already thinking about doing the exhausts.
11 October 2017, 08:32

Thanks Ice! Will take a bit of time to be finished tough. Did the genie missiles today and put decal medium over the decals. Maybe i can start weathering it soon.
12 October 2017, 08:28

The Vodoo is indeed a beautiful bird. You can see that she is the predecessor of the F-4. Well done build, David!
12 October 2017, 11:50

Thanks Holger and Roland! Holger i really like her shape- from the side she reminds me of a bird of prey. And the scheme is awesome. The only better scheme for planes is light gull grey over insignia white with navy high vis markings and maybe basaltgrau uppersides with white undersides of the marine.😉
12 October 2017, 19:00

Today i applied a dark grey oil wash on the plane. Happy with the result.
19 October 2017, 16:54

Very nice David! Looks really great👍. Now I think I have to build this bird too 😉.
20 October 2017, 05:57

Thanks Erik, Holger and Konrad. Konrad, have fun building it. It's a beautiful plane and a good kit for it's price.
I think i might finish the undersides and loadout today. Maybe even more.
20 October 2017, 14:29

That wash really made 'er pop! Really looks fantastic, love pic #22!
20 October 2017, 15:12

Wow wow wow! Very impressed! You just made me go on a search for this kit.
20 October 2017, 16:46

Thanks Michael & Donald! Good luck on finding a kit Donald, in Germany you can find alot of older Revell Kits in toy stores.
21 October 2017, 09:46

David, Great work. I see you have Metal Color paints on your work bench, have you used them and how do you like them?
21 October 2017, 17:29

Thank you John! Yes, i tried them out a few times already. I can only compare them to aluminium from ak, and i like the vallejo ones better. Mostly, because they are way easier to clean from the airbrush and i don't see any real difference. So far i've got dark aluminium, duraluminium and exhaust manifold. On picture #26, you can see duralumium with an oil wash over it on the tail.
21 October 2017, 19:26

Really nice final touches Dave, though I like the Canadian liveries more😉
21 October 2017, 19:29

Thanks. Just checked and the canadians sure know how to paint a voodoo. 🙂
21 October 2017, 19:55

David, thanks for the review. I just got some Metal Colors but have not used them. Looking for a good subject to try when out on.
22 October 2017, 11:00

I just finished the voodoo. I will shoot some more pictures when i have better weather and thus light to do those. Happy with the outcome, however i already have some areas i want to improve on. A warning for everyone getting this kit: The fit of the exhausts is really bad. I wouldn't put them on last, like i did without prior dryfitting at least. And as i said earlier, be extra careful with the clear parts. Aside from that, i really enjoyed the kit! Cheers and thank you guys alot for your motivating and kind words!
22 October 2017, 12:21

Well done David! I really like the subtle weathering and the canopy. 👍
What's next? The Crusader? 😛
22 October 2017, 13:01

Thank you very much! At the moment i still have a P-39 on the bench, but i need to close gaps on the fuselage, so my motivation to start sanding is a bit low. I really want to do the crusader, but the size is a bit intimidating.😉
22 October 2017, 13:31

That's also an option. Not sure yet, time will tell. But i will take your suggestions into account. 🙂
22 October 2017, 15:11

Thanks alot for your kind words, Konrad, Björn, Michael, James, Clifford and Mike!
23 October 2017, 06:19

Very Nice! I am working a Monogram RF-101 Voodoo now. Some minor issues but its coming together.
26 June 2018, 11:22

Stunning build and paint job turned into an outstanding result. Congrats, mate. 👌
16 November 2022, 15:39