M32 TRV: Retour de manoeuvres (back from exercises)

Thanks Spanjaard! Of moet ik "bedankt" zeggen?😉

Very nice job indeed. If I may suggest something, your pictures are quite dark, which hides a lot of the detail. Winter light, I know...

What i see here is competent detailing Paint job, and a Nice Dio 👍 you and your father are right to BE proud.
Nice work place, too😉

@Jean-Michel Tilquin Yes I know... I took most of the pictures of the finished dio in a hurry, just before transporting it to my father's. Next time better!😉

@Rui S Very high praise indeed! Thanks! I consider myself more of a dabbler and far less as an expert. This is really the best level I have achieved yet and, believe me, it's full of mistakes! The brown tarp hides the fact that I didn't succeed in joining the track links...😉

Modelling is is always a learning curve. Next time you Will achieve it😢 but i agree, they are a pain in the @%#

Fantastic looking build and a great example for my upcoming (I hope soon) M32. You can be proud. Top gedaan.

Thanks Marcel ! I'll follow your project with great attention.
Album info
See project for background information.
This is about the best I can do and therefore represents my level of (in)competence.
Lessons learned:
* I'm not one for tanks...
* NEVER again Friul tracks or any single link tracks! This is utter madness and I couldn't put them on the tank once assembled... (I had to hide the gap in the track with a tarpaulin.)
* Working on a tight schedule is nerve racking. This is supposed to be a hobby, leisure time. 😉
* etc.
This project was actually fun, despite what I say above. As it was a gift for my father, I felt the need to work at my very best and it shows. I'm quite happy with the result and, if I can see quite some errors or wrong details, my father couldn't... he was happy with the result too! That's what's important.