Zsolt Czegle autorThanks Dave. There are a lot to do till I can begin to paint it!
30 September 2019, 20:36
Zsolt Czegle autorDanke Stefan! Willkommen! 🙂
1 October 2019, 13:39
Hister Farjasi know is not an easy kit, great work
1 October 2019, 17:18
Spanjaardnice, i have this one in my stash, so i am really interested 🙂
1 October 2019, 20:50
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you Irving and Spanjaard!
2 October 2019, 07:59
Bart Goesaertlooking good, can you still reach all for painting?
2 October 2019, 13:44
Zsolt Czegle autorBart, it's still not glued together. You'll see you soon the pics before priming... 🙂
2 October 2019, 18:22
Zsolt Czegle autorStill some scratches to be done....
29 October 2019, 16:38
TreehuggerSo the E-100 PE fits the panther kit?
29 October 2019, 16:40
Zsolt Czegle autorThe grills and some hooks are the same. (I had only an E-100 PE in my stash. 🙂 )
29 October 2019, 18:40
Zsolt Czegle autorSome missing details scratchbuilded, new towing cable made from UTP cable, welding seams added. Some better tools added from a Zvezda King Tiger kit. Still the PE side skirt holders are to be done.
30 November 2019, 20:13
Spanjaardwow, looking really good... and not yet finished!
30 November 2019, 23:04
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you Spanjaard! In short time I can begin with the priming and painting.
1 December 2019, 10:53
Alec KLooking great 👍
7 December 2019, 15:12
Bart GoesaertNice to see another one in this scale. Duperb detailing
9 December 2019, 05:34
Zsolt Czegle autorThe beast is ready to be primed!
25 December 2019, 17:53
Łukasz GlińskiAnother beauty by Zsolt! What is the ballast inside for?
25 December 2019, 21:55
Zsolt Czegle autorŁukasz these are little magnets. I made a painting- handle from an empty cement glass. I can "connect" so the model to the handle.
25 December 2019, 22:57
Attila PappA feljavításokkal együtt nagyon ígéretes! 🙂
26 December 2019, 08:22
Zsolt Czegle autorKöszönöm! Igyekszem! 🙂
26 December 2019, 10:22
Łukasz GlińskiThat's a very smart idea, I like it! 🙂 Köszi!
26 December 2019, 10:33
Zsolt Czegle autorThe beast is primed. So the Panther is now a Snowpanther! 🙂
26 December 2019, 12:42
Zsolt Czegle autorThe base colors are airbrushed yesterday.
2 January 2020, 21:30
Bart GoesaertLooking good, wonder where it will go, seems a lot of green compared to the sandyellow
6 January 2020, 17:51
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you Bart. The dark yellow-green balance is already corrected. Photos coming soon.
6 January 2020, 18:40
Zsolt Czegle autorThere is also some progress with this cat.
18 January 2020, 16:37
Alec KSolid progress Zsolt. It's coming along well mate 👍
31 January 2020, 01:40
Alec KGreat job on the running gear. I like your idea of keeping it separate for painting/weathering 👍
7 February 2020, 12:45
Bart GoesaertLooking good, maybe you can add the stripe at the interior of the track where the roadwheels run and rub against the track.
[img1] 7 February 2020, 13:39
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you mates!
Bart, yes I'll do it!😉
7 February 2020, 17:29
Spanjaardlooking good!
10 February 2020, 12:42
Zsolt Czegle autorI say it's completed!
17 February 2020, 18:10
Alec KWell done )y)
18 February 2020, 03:26
TomLooks great! 👍
18 February 2020, 04:26
Attila PappIsmét egy jól eltalált apróság! Grat! 😄
18 February 2020, 22:04
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you guys! Köszönöm szépen!
19 February 2020, 10:53
Spanjaardsimply stunning. better that many 1/35 ones
20 February 2020, 12:09
Zsolt Czegle autorThank you Spanjaard, danke Stefan!
20 February 2020, 19:30
Zsolt Czegle autorI decided to make a little diorama base for the cat.
7 March 2020, 11:23
Géza SzekérNice Job! Nagyon szép apróság!
7 March 2020, 11:59
Zsolt Czegle autorNow it's really completed! 🙂
13 April 2020, 10:03
Gerald well done 👍
13 April 2020, 11:29
NeulingNice dio with a good looking Panther!
13 April 2020, 15:11
Ingo FLooks great! 👍
14 April 2020, 09:20
Rui SGreat work👍
4 July 2021, 22:02