TAMIYA M41 Walker Bulldog
1 12 November 2019, 21:56

Yes it does Martin. Still somewhat undecided on the final colour scheme though...
I promised myself this was an OoB (almost) but I keep seeing things I want to change/sort.
Must... Stay... Strong...
16 November 2019, 12:28

Base coat time. Vallejo Olive drab misted on hopefully keeping the preshade work visible
14 January 2020, 10:05

Lighted tone of base coat now misted on. Next up a bit of rusty exhaust...
22 January 2020, 18:58

Thanks JD. There is something about Tamiya kits in general that I find wonderfully relaxing, even with simplifications etc. It is a hobby after all and for the most part for me it's about not getting caught up in AMS,... though it happens from time to time.
23 January 2020, 07:27

Advanced Modelling Syndrome. Like when people fill welding seams with plastic rod 😉
23 January 2020, 20:29

Yeah Martin... the irony is not lost on me- but I stopped there...
24 January 2020, 13:53

James, Neuling: thank you both very much. Still lots to do with this baby.
2 February 2020, 10:43

Thanks Martin. They still need some work, but I'm happy with them so far. Decals applied, but I have suffered the dreaded silvering in places...
3 February 2020, 07:51

I've spent too much time worrying about and trying to sort the silvering... Its not a competition's I'm going to take my own advice and fail, learn Succeed and Enjoy! . Time to sort out a little base for it. Might get it finished for On Track...
6 February 2020, 08:29

Could it be you forgot a gloss layer before decalling? Hard to see in the pics.
This kit is a joy to build. It made me buy some other Tamiya tanks to build - someday.
6 February 2020, 08:47

Hi Martin,
I don't always use gloss coats and don't usually have a problem- I make generous use of Micro-set & sol and that is usually ok...but clearly not this time.
6 February 2020, 10:48

Time for a simple base. MDF plaque, texture added directly on top. Sprayed with various brown tones and then some railway and gaming foliage and flowers added. Almost done.
6 February 2020, 20:38
Album info
An almost out of box build.. Some work needed on the turret welds. If you are not aware Tamiya present them as recessed. Built up with some rod stock. Perhaps a tad oversize, but I can cope with that.