MAVAG-Ford & Ansaldo tanks
3 28 February 2020, 15:57

That seems to be quite a challlenging kit there😉 I must admit I do really like tank transporters and loaded transport vehicles, so I cant wait to see your results
7 March 2020, 15:36

Thank you Tom! It's really aweful mould. But that's why is this a great hobby.
I like also the tank transporters. My last project was also an old transporter and there are some others in my stash.
7 March 2020, 19:14

Nice bike there 🙂 I image it to be way more "luxurious" to drive than theses small tankettes (They must be incredibly cramped inside... )
11 March 2020, 15:55

You've right Tom, for two man it was very small inside!
Welcome Łukasz!
15 March 2020, 17:32