My "Manscave"
53 5 June 2020, 12:09

On pic #4 I see the first tray is bended down. In such kind of cases I turn it upside down so it could bend to the other side the next couple of months.
5 June 2020, 16:11

Thanks for sharing I spent a while admiring your space and the organization. Great selection of kits too. Is that the Aoshima or Testors car trailer ? I hope to make my workbench like this one day.
5 June 2020, 17:42

Must have been a Soldier, every thing Dress Right Dress ! Very Good ! LOL !
5 June 2020, 18:26

A dedicated room for a dedicated modeler! Love it! And a wine cellar to boot! Happy space indeed.
5 June 2020, 19:45

Thank you very much for kind words! Much appreciated! I am really surprised by your reactions to how my space affects you 🙂
@Jimbolaiya: do you mean the Trailer in the photo booth? That is frim the amt Kit with the 76(?) `76 Chevrolet Caprice with Trailer (AMT/ERTL 30031, 1:25).
In the shelf i have the Aoshima Kit also (not good to see on 1st picture , at the bottom of the shelf).
@Bob "PI" : i agree with my brother. how did you get it out? 😄
Thanks Tom! Thanks JD!
6 June 2020, 07:37

Excellent Happy space you got there
Lots of cool models
And all the nice tools to work whed
Thanks for sharing
15 March 2022, 07:03

Thank you Jv,
i have to update the pictures :-D ...the stash is overloaded in the meantime. ups.
15 March 2022, 10:43

Whed the cool kits you got not sure how it can be overloaded
But love to see more pics
15 March 2022, 11:00

Thanks Dominic
Great to see all your cool kits and model
Love your choice
Even i only got a few of the ones you got
Thanks for sharing
18 March 2022, 10:06

Ah Ha - I noticed the 'stash' of wine in the lower left corner. Can't read the labels so I cannot comment on that part of your stash 😛
22 March 2022, 22:37

*lol* - it is like a fridge in the basement, best temperature for storing wine :-D
23 March 2022, 15:23

Like you mentioned earlier. I have to clean any ongoing projects off of the bench every evening. I have a cat that will run off with parts and/or knock stuff off.
24 March 2022, 05:13

I can answer this. I registrated my kits before i got the knowledge of existing an amazing paltform called "scalemates". I made my own register via Excel. I also using the number for all the pictures of my modelling (for galeries or wips), starting with this number and then a "runnig" number afterwards. I have my own picture album where I have an overview of my stash nearby scalemates.
So: kits with a sticker and a # on it (in Dominik's stash) are kits
-given from me to him or
- exchanged between him and me 😉
24 March 2022, 07:51

Never thought having your brother's hand me downs could be that rewarding!!
24 March 2022, 12:26

:-D thats right Nigel.
while i am in the basement, there would be no problems with pets - we have none...i wished we had a cat. but the door is always closed to my mancave :-D
Thanks for explain the numbers Brother.
i never wrote down, what kit i have, date of buying etc like my brother does. most of them i have in mind, because my stash is "not as big as others".
some other post-its are my notes, what i planed for them. for example moviecars or existing cars like the 66 Mustang with note "#001 cream" for the real FIN-Nr 1 for reference.
24 March 2022, 14:12

Yes Dominick I have seen your brother is a keen modeller
And knows so much about models
Its a pleasure to meet both of you here an learn many things
And also see the models you guys had for so many years
28 March 2022, 11:51

Holy X, that's neat.
Both man's hobby, models and booze (saw them in South West).😁
23 July 2022, 10:33

Thanks mates 😃
Erik, in my former basement long time ago was a toilet near my workingroom 😀. Was no problem to roll over with my chair 😂
24 July 2022, 08:02

You're right 😉 . i have planed to built the Gen's of Mustangs - like my brother with the Corvette :-D
24 July 2022, 11:31

It is always interesting to see the work place of other mates 👍 Thanks for showing it!
And yes, the liquid stash on pic 1 is nice too.
7 August 2023, 19:31

thanks mates :-D The kits has grown, the bottles lost some weight *lol*
8 August 2023, 13:23
Album info
I was asked, what photobooth / Background i use for my galery pictures.
because i don't know how to insert pictures in replies, i thought to make an album of my basement.
I want to start with the photobox and so on ... have fun!