Tamiya KV-1B w\applique Armourvyhliadka: Prezentácia Mozaika zoznam 1December 30, 2020 2December 30, 2020Stopping here for a bit. Fruil tracks and weathering to be done. 3March 7, 2023 4March 7, 2023 5March 30, 2023Stowage on. 6March 30, 2023Stowage and tracks on. The tarp looks a bit crap, but will be covered in snow, I think. 7March 30, 2023The aftermarket XXL Eureka tow cable looks good. I drilled the front eyes and put something there. 8March 30, 2023Playing in the mud. It may snow tomorrow. I want the current lot to set. first. 9March 30, 2023Will put snow in the tracks tomorrow. that seagrass gives the mud some body... Looks kinda mean from the front. 10March 31, 2023All done. Went for a more snowy outlook. Near the start of winter, leading out of the Rasputitsa... 11March 31, 2023I messed up the look with a spray of AK Gravel and sand fixer. then with some IPA on top. killer the light fluffy look i had so hence the 'aggressive' snow. 12March 31, 2023 13March 31, 2023 14March 31, 2023 15March 31, 2023 16March 31, 2023 17March 31, 2023 18March 31, 2023All those track rust effects - hidden! 19March 31, 2023 20March 31, 2023 21March 31, 2023 22March 31, 2023 23March 31, 2023The rear desk ended up going well. Pleased with that. Komentáre 19 30 December 2020, 00:51Rui SLooking good 👍 7 January 2021, 21:11Ian Christie autorthanks. on the back burner until i finish the T34/76 and the T34/85. 8 January 2021, 17:00James CLooking awesome and I like the additional stowage items 👍 30 March 2023, 20:12Project infoKV-1B w\applique Armour23 snímky1:35dokončenýVšetky albumyZobraziť všetky albumy »