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doc raven
Dietmar Bogatzki (doc raven)

Holt 75


30 27 January 2021, 08:17
I've never seen anything like this. What era is this?
 27 January 2021, 08:35
David Taylor
1st ww.
 27 January 2021, 10:17
Dietmar Bogatzki autor
Yes its 1st WW
 27 January 2021, 17:30
Rui S
Nice work too, on this interesting model 👍
 30 January 2021, 16:46
Gorgeous, the Holt. Are you planning figures with it? I've seen it in David Parkers tank crew book, I think.
 31 March 2022, 22:09
👍 🙂
 31 March 2022, 23:42
Ben M
Great artillery tractor
 1 April 2022, 02:30
Dietmar Bogatzki autor
Thank you guyes, yes Tini some figures will be added and a "small" dio to...
 1 April 2022, 05:47
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Fine work, Dietmar. 👍
 1 April 2022, 07:01
Dietmar Bogatzki autor
Thank you White
 1 April 2022, 08:57
Jörg Schäfer
Ein echt cooles Modell Dietmar.
Schöne Arbeit.
 8 April 2022, 05:22
Dietmar Bogatzki autor
Danke Jörg 🙂
 8 April 2022, 05:27
Robert Podkoński
Very nice!
 8 April 2022, 07:30
Looks good. More pictures please!
 8 April 2022, 08:12
Bruce Huxtable
Looking great so far, so I'm looking forward to the next phase 🙂
 22 April 2022, 10:12
TOM marinato
Really something different, and so well done.
 4 May 2022, 09:49
Dietmar Bogatzki autor
Thank you, Tom
 4 May 2022, 10:43

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