TorstenMore pics, please 🙂
30 January 2021, 08:32
Thomas Bischoffyes - more pictures! This is the 1:48 Millenium Falcon?
30 January 2021, 09:23
Dietmar Bogatzki autorYes ist the Millenium Falcon in 1/48
30 January 2021, 10:42
Rui SThat's a good looking model 👍
30 January 2021, 11:58
Thomas BischoffThanks for the pictures! This thing is huge!
30 January 2021, 12:01
TorstenTHX for pics, nice work and you've done the interior 👍😎
30 January 2021, 14:57
Николай РомановИнтересная работа. Очень деталезирована👍
22 July 2022, 06:57