Łukasz GlińskiBrilliant idea for the presentation, simply outstanding! 👍
11 April 2021, 12:22
Ben MIt grew up in photo 30! I especially enjoyed the step by step on how you made the ocean. It is thoughtful when more experienced modelers show us how to do things, thank you. The cutter is a little jewel.
11 April 2021, 13:24
Thomas Wirsching autorSorry Ben picture 30 was my recently finished Kriegsmarine Destroyer Z-25 which I do have in another album. I´m still struggling with the things here to get my projects and pictures properly postet here; I find it somehow difficult.
11 April 2021, 13:29
Ben MWell it is a beautiful model as well!
11 April 2021, 13:31
knubbelsAbsolutely delightful to see such a creatively filled sardine tin!
14 April 2021, 18:27
Peppy Using aluminum foil and white glue was
just trick. Very clever. I have never seen
that before.
Most excellent build too.
14 April 2021, 18:29
Hanno KleineckeKriegsfischkutter in a fish tin, very cool way of presenting your superb work. The foil and glue based „water" is very convincing and realistic looking !
14 April 2021, 18:46
Robert PodkońskiGreat concept, perfectly executed - I love it
14 April 2021, 18:49
NeulingJust wonderful!👍👍👍
15 April 2021, 08:45
Thomas Wirsching autorThank you all gentlemen, I feel honored 🙂
15 April 2021, 15:13
Spanjaardabsolutely fantastic, i love the presentation!
15 April 2021, 16:38
Alec KExcellent work 👍
15 April 2021, 17:23
Simon NagorsnikThst's a great idea!
Wonderful work👍👍
15 November 2021, 10:25
Thomas Wirsching autorThank you all again, I am glad you like it 😇
15 November 2021, 11:51
PepeWow great idea.... Very nice
15 November 2021, 15:14
Michael KohlVery nice model and cool presentation. Particularly like how your water turned out.
15 November 2021, 16:01
RewopThat is a very clever presentation idea. Looks really good.
15 November 2021, 17:35
Thomas Wirsching autorGuys I feel honored, thank you for liking my work 😇😇😇
17 November 2021, 11:53
Hugh CAST.Excellllllllllent! What a nice idea!
17 November 2021, 20:43
Ralf TopetersPresentation of a pro! Congrats great dio! 👍
18 November 2021, 02:56
Mark KYes, fabulous work and a simply adorable little gem of a model!
18 November 2021, 07:21
Some humour in our hobby are very welcome 🙂
Very nice job 👍
2 January 2022, 22:26
Thomas Wirsching autorThank you again for all these positive comments, very appreciated 😊🍻
3 January 2022, 08:53
OlivierSo creative !
10 October 2022, 18:55
This is the excellent SSN Modellbau 1:350 kit of a typical german Kriegsfischkutter used on many occupied coastal waters.