Stealth - next generation :Dvyhliadka: Prezentácia Mozaika zoznam 1April 24, 2021Technology still under development - few parts not yet made stealthy 😄 2April 24, 2021 3April 24, 2021 4April 24, 2021 5April 24, 2021The idea originated in Linke-Hoffman Riesenflugzeug R.I (Breslau, January 1917)...finally not adopted in the serial production, however, due to sunlight reflections on the cellophane that made it even more spottable from the ground... 6April 24, 2021and some parts could not be made invisible too... 7April 24, 2021it seems that there is no fantastic (or absurd) idea that was not adopted at some moment in the warfare history... Komentáre 6 24 April 2021, 12:32Album infoTechnology still under development...since 1917😄Stealth - next generation:D7 snímky1:72dokončenýVšetky albumyZobraziť všetky albumy »