Fokker Dr.I strip down 1:72
40 16 October 2021, 16:33

Awesome work - one day I will grow brave enough to tackle this kit... 😉
23 October 2021, 19:49

Thanks comrades for sneeking in and commenting. Makes me happy.
@ Robert. The kit is actually not that difficult to build. Of cause a steady hand and some patience is helpful. 😉
23 October 2021, 20:18

Nice model 👍 I have built it too.
Regarding the pictures: some are still to bright (dim with EV -1 or so). I'm using "A" mode, cam on a tripod and a cable release or self timer. Going with the aperature to high numbers for great depth of field. Hope it helps.
17 November 2021, 12:09

A late Thanx to bughunter for the tips. Theoretically I am aware of these matters - it only does not translate into regularly satisfactory results (yet 🙂 ). And sometimes I am fooled by the appearance on the cameras display where the settings looked good. Of cause nothing that can and could not be fixed later on...
Thanks mates for your nice feedback and the likes. Bottomline I like how this one turned out.
@Chan Li: Prussian blue? Yeah kinda! 🙂 (although wrong - see pic caption)
28 January 2022, 09:19

I see, as a fresh man here I don't even know there is a photo caption 😅
Actually Prussia blue is one of the stains I used in our lab hah just thought of the word.
28 January 2022, 09:54

Thanks Christian. I have to admit that I like the little bird to.
24 December 2022, 17:52

Hi Michael. One can see that this one wasn't as fragile as the Storch, nonetheless as nicely build as the Storch itself. I personally like presentations with figures the most. Brings more life into the model. I asked about Lingen because the presentation must have been copied from yours with the grass and the mirror. I'm not so much in airplanes but I like well made builds especially when they show something special or have a special presentation or maybe both! So thank you for the tip to enjoy your Fokker here. Looks really awsome!!! 👍
26 March 2023, 17:21

Thanks Ralf for your nice comment. I like to place a figure or two to my builds too as they give a nice sense of scale and perspective. Happy, that you like the little Fokker.
29 March 2023, 07:09

very impressive build. Always amazing to see the construction of these planes. Hard to believe you can fight a war in these things sometime!!!
29 March 2023, 07:56

Thanks Vincent and Spanjaard for your motivating feedback and for all you mates who liked this little bugger.
Yeah, Vincent, it is really hard to grasp to climb on board of such a flimsy construction and fly off to fight.
31 March 2023, 17:11

Hi Michael, after I revisited the pics from Lingen I have to admit there was no gras and no mirror, just a reflecting glass plate. Well memories are like ex-lovers. You can keep them in mind but you can never trust them. 😄 Happy modeling!
1 April 2023, 21:24
Album info
Eduards naked Fokker DR.I in a new release pimped with resin parts in a little field diorama