Hungarian 2K12 Kub
75 18 December 2021, 19:43

After some corrections, which becomes visible after the grey primer, the preshading color (flat black) is airbrushed.
23 December 2021, 11:52

The paint is stripped from the missile. Now they are repainted and looks better than before. But the yellow stripes need so after-working....
29 December 2021, 19:29

This looks great! Nice camo pattern👍
looks like a good kit, i have to remember that ...
29 December 2021, 19:39

This is smart Magyar marking, always informing where the front is 😉
7 January 2022, 14:55

Weathering is in progress : adding mud, dirt and streakings
5 February 2022, 16:04

How did you make the earth
I see different textures, what did you use for them?
16 February 2022, 18:06

Thank you Alex!
Simon: Iused AK's neutral Texture for Earth acrylic paste (AK 8023). Added some dry vegetation and little stones. After 24 hour drying, it was pai ted in black. After black some slightly oversprayed with various shades of brown, and sand colors. After all I used High ily diluted liquid pigments fro. GREEN Stuff World as heavy wash. At the end I oversprayed slightly with light grey. Now it's dries, so I can paint the little stones.
16 February 2022, 20:16

Thanks for the info!
I have now also ordered the AK texture for the first time, but I am still waiting for it.
Does this have a very fine grain?, or is it something like the desert sand paste from AK?
Because I am looking for a very fine product.
16 February 2022, 20:24

Simon it's a little bit other than the desert paste. It's white and you must color it with pigments, or paint it when it's dried. The textureis also different.
16 February 2022, 20:53

Thank you for your answer.
The fact that it is white is ideal for me because I need something that can be dyed easily.
I'll see how the texture looks, but it sounds like it will work well for me.
Thanks for your help Zsolt!
16 February 2022, 20:58

Now I say it's completed! I'm very statisfied with the result! 🙂
19 February 2022, 11:48

Awesome result commrade!!
The display is great!
Simple design but very effective, combined with a very good painting on an interesting model- top work👍
19 February 2022, 12:12

Awesome result, but the matchstick kind of reduces the immersive appearance. We know how small it is and how much skill is needed to finish it like this! You certainly has what it takes! The base is super nice too! 👏👏👏
19 February 2022, 15:31

Thank you Thomas!
The blue-headed matchstick is slowly becoming a trademark, so I always photograph my models with it. 😉
19 February 2022, 15:40

Zsolt, I get it! Anyway, it's an amazing little diorama, those missiles are very intimidating!
19 February 2022, 15:44

Zsolt, I think your trademark is the high standart quality of your 1/72 models, paintwork and bases 👍
19 February 2022, 16:55

Exquisite work, Zsolt! You've been complimented on your 1:72 work by other members. . .now I see why! Fantastic!
10 March 2024, 05:22