My SAI Ambrosini 207
19 3 January 2022, 17:02

This summer I took up this model gluing the two half fuselage parts.
I'm now working on the other few pieces.
Working on resin models is far different from stirene models, it needs attention since the resin powder is very harmful, but it's fun!
3 January 2022, 17:07

Following with interest. I have the same model, but in plastic from RS.
Take care with the resin powder. Use a mask with suitable filters or work the resin into a bag to prevent the dust from spreading.
3 January 2022, 19:10

Thank you mate! Don't worry: I left the project on hold for several months until I tested a proper room and a proper mask 👍🏻
3 January 2022, 21:00

I've finished to clean all the parts, now I'm ready to start to filling and sanding.
The quality of the plane is very good!
9 February 2022, 14:42

That's a nice little challenge, Moreno. Looking very nice, so far 👏👏
9 February 2022, 14:55

Thank you very much mates! I must admit that It's my first plane in resin, but maybe I enjoy it more than those in strirene...🙂
9 February 2022, 18:50

Never built a resin kit, myself - bravo Moreno for trying something like this. 👍 Following, of course...
9 February 2022, 19:21

I sanded and started applying Mr Surfacer 500. I have to be careful because it seems to dilute the gel glue I used! Next time I'll use AC glue as filler...
Some sanding needed and a final primer coat
13 February 2022, 18:34

A short update: unfortunately the Mr Surfacer diluited the glue on the wings and I had problems re-fixing them properly.
Nevertheless I decided to go on with the project, I applied the classic Regia colours verde oliva scuro e grigio azzurro chiaro and tested some oil washing and weathering effects. Quite happy with this stage.
19 March 2022, 17:39

Just finished applying decals, they are very good (from a RS kit).
7 April 2022, 16:37

Step by step... I'm reaching the end! 🙂
I'm working on the landing gear, the canopy, the antenna wire etc.
18 April 2022, 15:04

I think those final little steps are one of the most fun parts of building the model. Also, it's when you're finally touching the end 👍
18 April 2022, 18:59

Dear all, today I finished applying the final touch up and took some pictures.
I declare this model finished: for sure not a masterpiece, but, considering it's my first plane made of resin, I'm pretty satisfied!
30 April 2022, 15:31

Well done. To be a hard resin kit it has been very good.
Congrats, Moreno!
30 April 2022, 18:00

Grazie mille Alex and Cuajete!
It has been a long and interesting journey, I had also the opportunity to learn a lot!
1 May 2022, 14:43