Cessna A-37A Dragonfly
19 28 June 2023, 03:28

Very nice job, but... where is the refuelling probe? It was fitted on every A-37, isn't it?
28 June 2023, 11:17

Thank you István Szücs. many A-37s do come with refuelling probe, However, the first model, A-37A, did not have a refueling probe installed yet, and it was added to the A-37B. I uploaded a photo of A-37A, and it was not difficult to make this model into A-37A, just adding a homemade nose pitot tube.
28 June 2023, 11:56

Thank you Villiers de Vos. A-37 is indeed a compact aircraft, and I am also surprised by the difference in volume between the two.
29 June 2023, 02:15
Album info
The model itself is of good quality, easy to assemble, and has good details, but the quality of the decals is poor, as hard as plastic sheets. I usedMr. Hobby and Tamiya Mark Fit - Super Strong, Thanks to the hair dryer and hot water, I finally completed the work.