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Simon Nagorsnik (s!mon)

Alba (53)

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1 snímky
1:72 M109A7 SPH & M1114 HMMWVView album, image #1Nový: 31 March, 18:14
1:72 M109A7 Paladin (FOREART 2002)1:72 Tracks for M2A3/M109A7, T161 (OKB Grigorov S72569)1:72 Browning M2 (Heavy Barrel) .50 caliber (12.7mm) - gun barrels (2pcs) (Master GM-72-002)3+
5 snímky
1:72 U.S. M1114 HMMWV "Humvee"View album, image #1
The soldier next to the Humvee is from CMK and the one in the vehicle from Modelcollect. Actually, this is a Russian sol...
1:72 US. Modern M1114 (T-Model TM-7201)1:72 Two Kneeling Soldiers and Commanding Officer, US Army Infantry Squad 2nd Division (CMK F72343)
21 snímky
1:72 Alkett Vs.Kfz.617/ NK-101 MinenräumerView album, image #1
1:72 Krupp Räumer + Vs.Kfz.617 (Takom 5007)1:72 Panzer Crew sitting (CMK F72228)1:72 German WW II Wehrmacht Soldiers 1944 (CMK F72307)
6 snímky
1:144 Z'Gok, Zeon's Amphibious Mobile SuitView album, image #1
1:144 Z'Gok (Bandai Spirits 5063091)
28 snímky
1:72 Egyptian T-54: The Yom Kippur Veteran 1973View album, image #1
1:72 T-54 B (Ammo by Mig Jimenez A.MIG-8502)1:72 Russian 100 mm D-10T tank Barrel for T-54/55 (Aber 72L45)1:72 T-54/55/62 spider roadwheels (Armory AC7285)2+
18 snímky
1:72 M1A1 Abrams- Anniston Army DepotView album, image #16
1:72 M1A1 Abrams (Dragon 7215)1:72 M256 120mm L44 barrel (Orange Hobby G72-195)1:72 M1A1 Abrams (Part P72-125)
18 snímky
1:72 Canadians Marching through, France 1944- CMP LRC Otter and Willys MB JeepView album, image #12
1:72 Otter (IBG Models 72031)1:72 Willys MB Jeep (Airfix A02339)1:72 British soldiers in North Africa (White Stork Miniatures F72015)5+

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