databáza modelovania v mierke | správca skrýše
Christian Lehmann (Lemmy)

Alba (78)

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Najnovšie albumy projektu

4 snímky
Gold 2, 4th partView album, image #1
The steering nozzles have been reworked by thinning the walls, replacing the fins by using 0,5 mm sheet and lead wire
1:72 Y-Wing Fighter (Fine Molds SW-8)
4 snímky
ChewbaccaView album, image #4
projekt: Chewbacca
70mm Chewbacca (Knight Models KST023)
44 snímky
5F+12View album, image #1
1:48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-10/R2 "Photo Reconn" (Fujimi 48012)1:48 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-10 Cockpit set (SBS Model 48016)1:48 Bf 109 G/K - Exhausts (Quickboost QB 48 098)1+
14 snímky
Slave IView album, image #1
projekt: SLAVE I
28 snímky
Omm LinzView album, image #28
used some filter to tone down the white letters
projekt: "Coming Home"
1:48 Messerschmitt Bf109 E3 (Tamiya 61050)1:48 Messerschmitt Bf 109 E3 & E4/7 (Verlinden Productions 384)1:48 Buffers-end track (Hauler HLF48021)2+
5 snímky
Obi Wan Kenobi EpisodeIVView album, image #1
70mm Obi-Wan Kenobi (Knight Models KST011)
4 snímky
Star Wars Episode II, Clone TrooperView album, image #1
projekt: Clonetrooper
70mm Clonetrooper (Knight Models KST010)

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Iné albumy

16 snímky
Model Exhibition BreitenguessbachView album, image #1
14 snímky
Model Force´12View album, image #1
36 snímky
Euro-Modell 2013View album, image #1
32 snímky
Go Modelling (GoMo) 2013View album, image #1
1 snímky
Mery X-mas to everybody. May the modelbuilding force be with you.View album, image #1
4 snímky
40' Quad Hopper, N&WView album, image #1
35 snímky
Model Force 13View album, image #1
2 snímky
My JigsView album, image #1
17 snímky
Exhibition of PMC ErdingView album, image #1