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6 snímky
Painting in progress
I decided to disassemble everything before painting the kit.
projekt: MG Strike Rouge Gundam with Ootori
25 snímky
Portanova (Space Type) snap build
The Portanova unit in its default form.
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
14 snímky
30MM Spinatio (Army type)
Gold & metallic red panel lines for the face details.
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
30 snímky
30MS Luluce snap build completed (w/ 30MM Air Fighter and Customize Weapons parts)
projekt: 30 Minute Sisters
41 snímky
30MM Spinatio (Army type) Equipment snap build.
Add-on parts included in the Army Type kit is being readied.
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
6 snímky
Abomination!!! (Maximum Perfect Strike Gundam)
How many guns are too many guns?
projekt: MG Perfect Strike Gundam
7 snímky
3-way Bandai's Gatling gun comparison
From left to right.
30MM Customize Weapons (Gatling Unit)
Gatling gun from AMAIM Weapon Set 7
HG Build Fighters Support...
12 snímky
"How many guns do you want?" "YES."
From top left, clockwise.
30MM Customize weapons, Gatling unit.
HGBC Giant Gatling
Kotobukiya MSG Heavy weapon unit #32...
10 snímky
[WIP] Hobbyboss 1/48 F-14A
This is the result. Not bad I think.
projekt: Hobbyboss 1/48 F-14A
19 snímky
Snap build and review of the kit
1/12 kit of Honda Super Cub 110 from Fujimi
projekt: Honda Super Cub
9 snímky
Ideas : Horsegal of the Apocalypse (Ilshana + Horse Mecha)
projekt: Horsegal of the Apocalypse
28 snímky
30MM Espossito Alpha Snap Build completed
Transform completed. Well... it's a space ship?
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
18 snímky
30MM ExtArm Vehicle - Air Fighter snap build
The kit assembled as instructed. Ofc all the parts can be used to customize other 30MM kits. (or any other kits with 3mm...
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
10 snímky
30MM Espossito Alpha upgraded with ExArm Air Fighter parts.
Looking like a proper space fighter now!
projekt: 30 Minute Mission Kits
0 snímky
MG Heavyarms Snap Build Day #4This album does not contain any images.
projekt: MG Heavyarms [EW]
37 snímky
[WIP] 1st day. Unboxing and Legs
Box is expectedly HUGE and won't fit on my tiny workspace.
8 snímky
[WIP] Eternal Star Glory (MG Stargazer) snap build
They give you FULL exchangeable hands...
Not like Bandai (who gives you only exchangeable fingers...)
12 snímky
[WIP, cockpit] Academy/Wolfpack 1/48 FA-50 Golden Eagle
Cockpit parts all painted and ready for assembly.
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5 snímky
Discovered some old photos. Modelling as a kid in 8-90s.
ca 1995.
1:48 Academy Mig-29 kit.
Rare fully painted kit. I remember this being almost the last kit I built as a kid.
7 snímky
[Unbox] Academy 1/48 F-117 "Last Flight" kit
Got cheaply from online used market. Box has some damage and art is somewhat sun-faded but otherwise the kit is in great...