Alba (54)
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7 snímky
Type 97 vs 7.5cm anti tank gun moc
Alright time to start this thingamabob i hope i dont mess it up
projekt: Pacific strike
2 snímky
May lord have mercy on my soul
Lovesick like a fool for a man who doesn't even love me.
projekt: Unexpected snow
16 snímky
T-90A turret bunker, 90 euros worth of model stuff
projekt: Stationary T-90 turret
2 snímky
Gonna take this one slowly 
So i decided to take a small break from this build just because it was exhausting to build, dont know why. Im gonna get ...
projekt: 500D tow helicopter
4 snímky
Welcome to the scary world of rattle cans
The diorama creation begins
projekt: Hell on earth
1 snímky
Doing some wear and tare weathering ( ammo cold dirty grey) around the turret ring
projekt: Trumpeter 1:35 Challenger 2
11 snímky
My first ever model ship - complete 
"Maverick you are clear for take off."
projekt: 1:720 U.S.S Theodore Roosevelt
15 snímky
My biggest build/dio yet. And a learning experience 
Mom, look what I caught in the Atlantic ocean!
projekt: Tamiya 1:350 Bismarck
4 snímky
Bleh :P
Okay we're not doing the african campaign anymore. Panzer of the lake time!!!
projekt: Panzer of the lake
8 snímky
Modernized supermarine spitfire MK.Vb
Alright so i decided to use a UB-32 from a 1:72 hobbyboss MI-24V hind-e as the countermeasures box due to the fact it fi...
3 snímky
So just made this pak40 but it still needs some weathering, washing and light chipping
projekt: Pacific strike
3 snímky
So ive been building a 1:1 Cessna but i forgot to post about it, whoops ( joke ofc :] )
projekt: 1:1 Cessna 172
8 snímky
From Britain to Ukraine, from mud to snow, this big ol' boy keeps on truckin.
projekt: Trumpeter 1:35 Challenger 2
2 snímky
This retired old man still packs a punch (reminds me of someone very british)
projekt: Retired war buddies
7 snímky
This should finish off my 1:100 scale german tank collection 
Would you look at that, a cat and Panzerkampfwagen VIII peacefully co-existing
projekt: 1:100 maus
1 snímky
I'm sick and tired of new projects but this is mandatory.
No clue
Very rough sketch of whats to come
9 snímky
Probably the smallest model I'll ever build
Welp this is my first diorama then... I can't believe its a 3 euro 1:100 panzer and a brick wall i found on the floor of...
projekt: 1:100 panzer IV
2 snímky
First ever full interior (yay)
I'm starting to think this is a full interior kit
projekt: Open (literally) King tiger in snow
1 snímky
Another dio... This is getting overwhelming..
Its gonna look better when it dries
projekt: A-4 shot down
41 snímky
M4 sherman i have decided i want to make into a Normandy moc
Finally consider it finished
projekt: M4 sherman in Normandy
9 snímky
A ship for my ship
Finally done, now i know i enjoy building little AA guns and stuff like that. The entire reason i bought this kit was to...
projekt: A lil friend for my aircraft carrier
4 snímky
Making an F-51D with my cousin 
Well no matter how much i love or hate her my cousin will always be a part of my family and as long as i live ill be stu...
18 snímky
38cm Sturmtiger being used as a makeshift artillery 
Got it done, the grass isnt the best but its my first time with anything like this and im happy with it
projekt: "Artillery" strike
12 snímky
Tiger 1, trying to mimic an american 75mm howitzer shell fired at it
Finally finished it, im proud of myself. I really am.
projekt: Tiger 1 (shot at)
1 snímky
"Grandpa can you tell me about that time you destroyed two T-34's again?"
projekt: Tiger 1 (shot at)
16 snímky
Leopard at the berlin wall
Finally got the entire thing done, my first actual diorama, some more weathering could be applied and some wash to the g...
projekt: West german tank at the Berlin wall
5 snímky
Gotta enjoy the little things in life
My friend broke the tracks on my tank so i decided to turn it into a low rider
projekt: 1:100 zvezda king tiger
Iné albumy
2 snímky
i found one of my old planes but i dont have the box and i need some help identifying it
Revell 1:72 bf-109 G10 for ref
0 snímky
I dont know what a grease nipple is but i dont like it :(This album does not contain any images.
0 snímky
Its odd how literal plastic is social distancing but humans that have gone to school arentThis album does not contain any images.
0 snímky
Got a new respirator so i wont die from being in the toxic gas of tamiya extra thin cementThis album does not contain any images.