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Villiers de Vos (Villiers)

Alba (13)

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14 snímky
Volkswagen Type 87 VWView album, image #11
A coat of dark yellow has been painted on the hairspray layer
1:35 Volkswagen Type 87 VW (CMK T35013)1:35 German WWII AFV & Vehicle Markings Template (Verlinden Productions 1286)
20 snímky
2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10View album, image #16
The finished model
1:18 2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10 (Maisto 39632)
43 snímky
1930 Bentley 4.5 Litre SuperchargedView album, image #43
Using strip styrene, the hoops securing the stone guard was secured.
1:12 1930 Bentley (Airfix 20440-8)No Gitter / Mesh - Gauze Hexagonal (Eduard 00113)
162 snímky
Drakkar, OsebergView album, image #162
projekt: Drakkar
1:25 Drakkar (Korabel KL-03-001)No Modeler's workplace (Korabel KL-43-002-001)
17 snímky
U.S. Army & Marines M38A1CView album, image #17
1:35 M38A1C (Skybow TP3505)
7 snímky
Gun deck, 18th centuryView album, image #7
Blackening the canon. See the transformation from natural metal, initial treatment with chemicals to polishing the rust ...
1:48 Cannon on deck (Korabel KL-08-001)No Modeler's workplace (Korabel KL-43-002-001)
7 snímky
Opel OlympiaView album, image #7
I hand painted the rough pattern following the pencil lines. The word "sloppy" comes to mind. I hope to have captured th...
projekt: Opel Olympia
1:35 Light Staff Car Stabswagen (Bronco CB35047)

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