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95 snímky
SAAB Viggen - "Thor's Hammers" - Special Hobby - Quadruple Build
Some corrections will need to be done here and there, but I was actually expecting far worse.
40 snímky
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')
Underside sprayed Swedish Army Blue-Grey (MRP-175). I was a bit worried that the black pre-shading would be too stark in...
projekt: Saab J 35F 'Draken' - Hasegawa
67 snímky
Il-28 'Beagle' - Trumpeter - перезагрузился!
A tiny bit of weathering applied to the panel lines with Tamiya Panel Liner and diluted 502 Abteilung oils. I actually l...
37 snímky
Tupolev Tu-2 'Túzok' - ICM
Top surfaces sprayed Tamiya XF-89 Dark Green, and a few areas between the panel lines carefully oversprayed with the sam...
projekt: Tupolev Tu-2 'Bat' - ICM
40 snímky
SK 61 Bulldog, Swedish Air Force - KP (the bulldog of doom)
Masking tapes removed, revealing a rather faded and worn Swedish camouflage. Now let's give the paint some time to harde...
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19 snímky
Su-22 Walkaround - Hungary, 2019
This Su-22 was repainted by the museum, so the colors are not completely accurate with how the aircraft looked during it...
40 snímky
MiG-23 Walkaround (UB & MF) - Szolnok Hungary, 2019
The MiG-23's were originally all painted in this Soviet "teflon gray" scheme when they arrived to Hungary but were later...