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9 snímky
Convair XFY-1 Pogo WIP, Mistercraft 1/72View album, image #2
two nasty pictures to show the disaster. Décalco to the random transparency, fragile and especially oversized. Everythin...
1:72 XFY-1 'Pogo' (MisterCraft E-65)
8 snímky
Bristol Blenheim MkI Airfix 1/72View album, image #1
How to fix that?
1:72 Bristol Blenheim Mk.I (Airfix A04016)
5 snímky
Morane Saulnier MS 733 AlcyonView album, image #1
French air force academy Salon de Provence air force base, 1955
1:72 Morane Saulnier MS733 (Aero Kit )
4 snímky
I15 Chato ICM 1/72View album, image #1
Circa 1950
projekt: I-15 "Chato"
1:72 I-15 "Chato" (ICM 72061)
4 snímky
Somewhere near Shangaï circa 1937 - IBG and Hät 1/72View album, image #1
Type 89 japanese medium tank Kou.
1:72 Type 89 medium tank KOU (IBG Models 72037)
3 snímky
Panzer I auf A s-model 1/72View album, image #1
With FC model trend figures
1:72 Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A early production (S-Model (China) PS720090)
5 snímky
Caro veloce CV33 s-model 1/72View album, image #1
1:72 L3/33 Lf Flame Tank & Trailer (S-Model (China) PS720004)

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3 snímky
Panhard AML 60/12 3D prînted 1/72View album, image #1
United nations, Lebanon 1978
26 snímky
Sandringham du réseau aérien interinsulaire, F-RSIN 1/144View album, image #1
A wet Short
5 snímky
Leclerc 12ème cuirassier 3D printed 1/72View album, image #1
3 snímky
Battle of France May-June 1940View album, image #1
It’s hot for the French infantry in June 1940. 3Dprinting 1/72