databáza modelovania v mierke | správca skrýše
Petr Kokeš (TheKoki22)

Alba (24)

Všetky albumy

5 snímky
Maverick's F-14A TomcatView album, image #1
I've already started, but haven't taken a photo before. So far I decided to scribe panel lines because I'll have to sand...
1:48 Maverick's F-14A Tomcat (Revell 85-5872)No Mark Fit Decal Solution - Super Strong (Tamiya 87205)No Plastic Scriber II (Tamiya 74091)3+
38 snímky
P-39K/ NView album, image #31
projekt: P-39K/ N
1:48 P-39K/N (Eduard 84161)1:48 P-39/P-400 Weekend (Eduard EX250)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)6+
27 snímky
He 162 "Salamander"View album, image #15
1:72 He 162 "Salamander" (HobbyBoss 80239)No Spray-Work Painting Stand Set (Tamiya 74522)No Flush Cutter (Model Craft PPL6704)6+
16 snímky
Folland Gnat T.1View album, image #14
1:48 Folland Gnat T.1 (Airfix A05123A)1:48 Folland Gnat T.1 EXPERT kabuki masks (New Ware NWAM0129)No Ultra (Harder & Steenbeck 125503)12+
34 snímky
A-37BView album, image #30
projekt: A-37B
1:72 A-37 (Eduard CX109)No Contacta Clear (Light Cement for Clear Parts) (Revell 39609)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)4+
14 snímky
F/A-18F Super HornetView album, image #13
Photo of my older model, unfortunately canopy is cracked... :/
1:48 F/A-18F Super Hornet two seater (Revell 04509)
12 snímky
M151 A1 SHMIRAView album, image #1
1:35 M151 A1 SHMIRA (Academy 13004)
25 snímky
Focke-Wulf Ta 154 WIPView album, image #25
The antenna for radar isn't fit so I'll make my own one day.
1:72 Focke-Wulf Ta 154 (Pioneer 2 4-4001)No Flush Cutter (Model Craft PPL6704)
10 snímky
Sea Harrier FRS.1View album, image #10
Still work in progress
1:48 Sea Harrier FRS.1 (Tamiya 61026)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)
25 snímky
Porsche 959View album, image #21
projekt: Porsche 959
1:24 Porsche 959 (Tamiya 24065)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Tamiya Cement (Tamiya 87003)5+
5 snímky
Bell UH-1B "Huey"View album, image #1
1:72 UH-1B "Huey" (Italeri 040)
8 snímky
Me163View album, image #8
1:72 Me 163 Interceptor (HobbyBoss 80238)
9 snímky
Alpine Renault A110 Monte Carlo '71View album, image #7
1:24 Alpine Renault A110 (Tamiya 24278)No Ultra (Harder & Steenbeck 125503)No Mr.Cement SPB (Black) (Mr. Hobby MC132)6+
7 snímky
F4F-4 "Wildcat"View album, image #1
1:72 F4F-4 "Wildcat" (HobbyBoss 80220)
34 snímky
Toyota GR SupraView album, image #28
1:24 Toyota GR Supra (Tamiya 24351)No Synthetic Round 000 (Italeri 51201)No Mark Fit Decal Solution - Super Strong (Tamiya 87205)9+
2 snímky
I-16 Type 10View album, image #1
projekt: I-16 Type 10
1:48 I-16 Type 10 (Eduard 8148)
38 snímky
Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero FighterView album, image #33
I had thought better shots were needed, so here they are.
1:48 Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero Fighter (Zeke) (Tamiya 61027)No Contacta Clear (Light Cement for Clear Parts) (Revell 39609)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)1+
54 snímky
P-51B Mustang restorationView album, image #54
Every attempt has better and better results. In photo, it looks more yellowed. Hope after following steps it will disapear.
projekt: P-51B Mustang
1:72 P-51B Mustang (Revell 04182)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Plasto (Revell 39607)4+
38 snímky
Saab J-35J "Draken"View album, image #36
1:72 Saab J-35J "Draken" (Revell 04352)No Contacta Clear (Light Cement for Clear Parts) (Revell 39609)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)
7 snímky
Airbus A320 LufthansaView album, image #1
1:144 A320 (Revell 04267)
11 snímky
Ford G.P.A. JeepView album, image #2
1:35 Ford G.P.A. Jeep (Tamiya MM143)
43 snímky
A-10C "Blacksnakes"View album, image #34
1:48 A-10C "Blacksnakes" (Italeri 2725)1:48 A-10C Interior - ZOOM (Eduard FE1026)1:48 A-10C (Eduard EX477)4+
21 snímky
Saab JAS 39 A GripenView album, image #21
The right intake is cut out, left one still waiting. I should have already done it before.
1:48 JAS 39 A Gripen (Italeri 2638)1:48 JAS-39 Gripen (Eduard FE300)1:48 JAS-39 Gripen (Eduard EX050)
52 snímky
Toyota Supra A80View album, image #50
1:24 Toyota Supra (Tamiya 24123)No Plastic Scriber II (Tamiya 74091)No Spray-Work Painting Stand Set (Tamiya 74522)3+