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SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

Back to the roots with plastic that comes in different colours

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SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

Build a Matchbox kit. Original or Revell rebox is ok. But it's more fun with those multi coloured sprues in the original boxings.

Not allowed: Non original kits in Matchbox livery. Revell made some misshandling of the brand durin' their ten year ownership of Matchbox by putting really old Revell, Frog and Otaki kits in Matchbox boxes.

Scratchbuilding, after market goodies is allowed as well as building the kits OOtB, even building the kits according to the old Matchbox slogan "No Painting Necessary" is ok if one feels that's the way to go.

If there's any questions on the origin of a kit it's easy to check it up over at this page. matchboxkits.org/

Most important is to have fun in the process.

A little Matchbox history (in German) plastik-modellbau.or..lbaus-matchbox/2012/

If you've trouble sourcing a Matchbox kit check at E-Bay or for example these two companies specialised at selling second hand kits.

Let us build as many Matchbox kits as possible in the space of two months.

Have fun!
Манифестација нема такмичење


1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014


37 пријатељи планирају да посете овај догађај



Stefan Schneider Steel-Lynx
Robert Robert_E
Peter Jenssen jenssen
william wise billwise
Christian Meyerhoff worldinscale
Gordon Sørensen twotterdriver
Bruce Leyland-Jones MerlinJones
Duncan Cook cookiemonster
Marc Schimmler Universalniet
Burkhard D RLHDLW
Roy McKay roym
John Thomas king57
Bruce Scott bscott
Roger Mukka RogerM
Stefan Dorau stedo69
Paul Green Sir Twig
John Soule generation13
Gabor Szabo remete
Lionel Marco Yoyo le Petaf

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There are 25 photoalbums related to this event.

24 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Пројекат: Do you remember Matchbox?
1:72 Buccaneer S2B (Matchbox PK-106)1:72 EA-6B Prowler (Matchbox PK-410)1:72 Junkers Ju188 (Matchbox PK-109)3+
25 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
The Matchbox Artwork
Пројекат: Do you remember Matchbox?
1:72 Buccaneer S2B (Matchbox PK-106)1:72 EA-6B Prowler (Matchbox PK-410)1:72 Junkers Ju188 (Matchbox PK-109)3+
8 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #7
Пројекат: Hungarian He-170
1:72 Heinkel He 70 F2 / He 70 G1 / He 170 A (Matchbox 40132)
22 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
1:72 Armstrong Whitworth Siskin IIIA (Matchbox PK-25)
6 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
P-40N 80th FG
Пројекат: Matchbox Groupbuild
1:72 P-40N Warhawk/Kittyhawk (Matchbox PK-31)1:72 Grumman Hellcat (Matchbox PK-18)1:76 M16 Halftrack (Matchbox PK-78)3+
15 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
1:76 L.R.D.G. 30cwt Chevrolet & Jeep (Revell 03225)
16 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
1:76 Monty's Caravan & Daimler MkII Scout Car (Matchbox PK-175)
77 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Aston Martin Ulster
Пројекат: Matchbox
1:32 Aston Martin Ulster (Matchbox 40301)1:72 BAe Hawk 200 (Matchbox PK-46)1:72 Hawker Siddeley Hawk (Matchbox PK-27)84+
23 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Пројекат: Matchbox Sea Harrier
1:72 Sea Harrier (Matchbox PK-37)
24 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
One of Matchbox's later models
1:72 Boeing P-12E (Matchbox PK-3)1:72 Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver (Matchbox PK-35)
4 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #3
1:76 Monty's Caravan (Revell 03227)
36 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #31
1:76 M-19 Tank Transporter 45 tons (Matchbox PK-174)1:76 M24 Chaffee (Revell 03213)
6 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
1:76 M-19 Tank Transporter 45 tons (Matchbox PK-174)1:76 M24 Chaffee (Revell 03213)
60 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #60
1:72 Phantom F-4M/K (Matchbox PK-404)
24 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Пројекат: Matchbox Groupbuild
1:72 De Havilland Mosquito (Matchbox PK-116)
25 слике
SCM Groupbuild | Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #25
Finally finished after 10 years! :)
1:72 Canberra PR.9 (Revell 04281)
34 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
The matchbox interpretation of an ERCO drop tower
Пројекат: PB4Y-2 Privateer
1:72 PB4Y-2 "Privateer" (RY-3/P4Y-2) (Revell 04292)1:72 Browning M2 cal.50 aircraft (Mini World 7227b)1:72 US Navy, Post-WW II (part 1) (Falcon 4)
8 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
1:72 Gloster Gladiator Mk.I (Revell 04683)1:72 Gloster Gladiator upgrade + decal sheet For all kits (Pavla Models U72-130)1:72 Gladiator (Eduard 73491)3+
29 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #25
1:72 PB4Y-2 "Privateer" (RY-3/P4Y-2) (Revell 04292)
103 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
12 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
7 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
9 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Boxart front
8 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1
Sprues - one on right is Navy Blue
8 слике
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox NostalgiaView album, image #1

Слични догађаји

PT Almada
21. Фебруар 2025

Modellbauausstellung des IMM
DE Faßberg
2. Новамбар 2024

Најважније вести

Łukasz Gliński
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
26 March 2015, 10:28
Łukasz Gliński Аутор
Would like to add my He-170 gallery, but don't know how...
 26 March 2015, 10:51
Stefan Schneider
The name of your gallery has to be EXACTLY the name of the Event. If you rename your gallery accordingly it will appear on the event page.
 26 March 2015, 11:00
Łukasz Gliński Аутор
It works - cool 🙂
Thanks a lot
 26 March 2015, 11:43
Stefan Schneider
No problem 😉
 26 March 2015, 17:03
John Coverley
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
22 February 2014, 10:32
Lionel Marco
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
10 February 2014, 17:03
Gabor Szabo

Arrived today 😉
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
6 February 2014, 16:57
John Soule
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
29 January 2014, 20:39
John Soule Аутор
These kits are some of the oldest surviving ones I have. They were great for honing modeling skill. They are lacking in so many ways, especially by today's standards, that one feels no pressure to bring it up to "contest standards" or worry about "advanced modeler's syndrome". Just fun hobby time as it should be! I'm glad to have found this site while this is going on. I love looking at all of these classic kits!
 31 January 2014, 05:21
Phil Marchese
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
18 November 2013, 20:39
Phil Marchese Аутор
I have a B-17 conversion in the works using the M-box G. It is my favorite Fortress kit. Mine will be a block 15 Vega F series, TINKER TOY of the 381BG. It was among the last half dozen original combat complement to survive into December 1943.
 18 November 2013, 20:50
Phil Marchese Аутор
If you scroll through My Albums you will find many Matchbox build and in process project. Included are major reconstructions (XF14C-2); major conversions (XC-87B); moderate conversions (P-40L & M); minor conversion and corrections (Beaufighters); and OOB.
 30 January 2014, 22:11
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
16 January 2014, 12:00
Bruce Leyland-Jones
Is this event really going to end on the 28th January? 😉
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
8 January 2014, 20:57
Stefan Schneider
No, that is a bug. It is going to end on the 28th of february.
 9 January 2014, 08:42
Paul Green
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
4 January 2014, 19:15
Bruce Leyland-Jones
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
18 November 2013, 16:47
Bruce Leyland-Jones Аутор
I'll be building the following kits;
PK-11 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc
PK-35 Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver
PK-101 A-7D Corsair II
PK-113 Messerschmitt 410
PK-114 Messerschmitt 110
PK-605 Handley Page Heyford
40006 Northrop F-5B Freedom Fighter
40054 Mikoyan MiG-21bis Fishbed
 18 November 2013, 17:08
Urban Gardini
Yeah! The more the merrier!
 18 November 2013, 18:43
Gordon Sørensen
I am going to build the Airfix Helldiver for a group build on the ATF forum. Would be interesting to compare the kits.....
 18 November 2013, 23:49
Bruce Leyland-Jones Аутор
Aaaah...the Airfix Helldiver is a different sort of Helldiver from the one I'm going to be building, which is the biplane Helldiver.
I've already built the Matchbox version of the Airfix kit;
 4 January 2014, 18:53
Andreas Lundqvist
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 January 2014, 01:20
Roger Mukka
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
31 December 2013, 16:48
Jörgen Kjelsmark
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
24 December 2013, 09:44
Bruce Scott
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
19 December 2013, 00:57
Bruce Scott Аутор
I believe I shall be doing the Panavia Tornado F3 in 1/72.
 19 December 2013, 00:59
Hunter Cummins
 20 December 2013, 02:49
Bruce Scott Аутор
Just got done reading some fairly disparaging remarks about this kit on some other forums ( worst kit ever, blah blah, yadda yadda ). That just makes me more determined. I love a challenge.
 22 December 2013, 00:36
Hunter Cummins
You go for it 😄
 22 December 2013, 02:02
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
19 December 2013, 21:39
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos Аутор
Ok, i will attend with the old Mosquito Kit
 19 December 2013, 21:41
Christian Keller
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
19 December 2013, 01:05
Burkhard D
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
Сви коментари (12) » 1 December 2013, 11:27
Gordon Sørensen
Nice to have choices! I keep hoping Revell will re-release the Twin Otter. They go for stupid money on e-bay...
 14 December 2013, 17:00
Urban Gardini
Ouch! Stupid money on Kingkit as well...
 14 December 2013, 19:40
Mitchell Hart-Lincoln
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
Сви коментари (6) » 11 December 2013, 14:33
Urban Gardini
No, January 1st to February 28th will give plenty of time to finish at least one Matchbox kit...
 11 December 2013, 15:31
Mitchell Hart-Lincoln Аутор
Yup, it will 🙂 I've still got other stalled kits to be getting on with! Waiting to get my hand on the new Airfix "EE Frightning" though and I've got the Airfix Javelin on my Santa list and I've been exceptionally good this year 😉
 12 December 2013, 09:39
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
Сви коментари (6) » 2 November 2013, 19:30
Burkhard D
You have a Matchbox Canberra in your stash. I've built it long ago, quite simple, should be a quick affair - if you can resist 'improving' the very basic detail 🙂
 4 December 2013, 16:56
berni Аутор
hello here is my choice: 🙂
Canberra PR.9 (Revell 04281, 1:72)

 9 December 2013, 07:53
Gordon Sørensen
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
16 November 2013, 23:07
Gordon Sørensen Аутор
I wll be building the 'Thunderbirds' USAF Display Team (Matchbox 40122, 1:72) but using my twobob decals for the Danish F-16s

 18 November 2013, 23:54
Duncan Cook
Nice. 🙂
 9 December 2013, 00:24
John Thomas
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
2 December 2013, 19:35
John Thomas Аутор
Very cool idea
 2 December 2013, 19:51
Urban Gardini
Thanks! Matchbox is a brand that I'm fond of due to havin' started my buildin' with mainly their kits in '80.
 2 December 2013, 20:21
Marc Schimmler
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
30 November 2013, 22:28
Duncan Cook
Oh, was wird gebaut?
 1 December 2013, 10:15
Marc Schimmler Аутор
PB4Y ..... muss ich nur noch in den groupbuild bringen
 1 December 2013, 14:07
Roy McKay
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 December 2013, 12:47
Roy McKay Аутор
Whey hey! I'm defo in on this one!
 1 December 2013, 12:52
Roy McKay Аутор
 1 December 2013, 12:52
Roy McKay Аутор
And I only just finished a T-2 Buckeye.... 🙂
 1 December 2013, 12:53
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
Сви коментари (10) » 28 November 2013, 05:25
CraigH Аутор
Will do - thanks !
 28 November 2013, 14:31
Stefan Schneider
The picture album will be automatically attached to the Group Build as soon as you name the picture album "SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia".
 28 November 2013, 15:26
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 21:47
Augie Аутор
My actual choice

North American FJ-4B Fury (Matchbox PK-652, 1:48)

 18 November 2013, 23:35
Clifford Keesler
I have one of these coming only mine is Hobby Boss.
 22 November 2013, 23:56
Holger Kranich
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
20 November 2013, 13:45
Duncan Cook
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
19 November 2013, 19:40
Duncan Cook Аутор
Maybe I will build my He 115.
 19 November 2013, 19:42
Baue mal die Victor, ist doch ex-Matchbox. 🙂
 19 November 2013, 20:16
Duncan Cook Аутор
Stimmt, aber die ist so groß.
Vieleicht besorge ich mir sogar eine Matchbox Fury, immerhin wollte ich ja eine zu einer Nimrod umbauen.
 19 November 2013, 20:27
Ein paar Matchboxmodelle habe ich auch noch im stash, wenn du etwas davon bauen willst darfst du gerne fragen, ob ich die verhökern will.😉
 19 November 2013, 20:35
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
6 November 2013, 06:51
MoJo Аутор
Vincent Black Shadow (Revell 07920, 1:12)


This Motorbike I like to build
 15 November 2013, 17:40
Dimitris P.K.
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
6 November 2013, 16:56
Dimitris P.K. Аутор
I love group builts... now I have to find a kit 😛
 6 November 2013, 16:57
Ray Seppala
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
6 November 2013, 05:19
william wise
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
6 November 2013, 01:37
william wise Аутор
I'm going to jump in on this i have never built or even owned a matchbox kit, off to Ebay i go. 🙂
 6 November 2013, 01:39
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
2 November 2013, 00:29
Robert Аутор
nice little kit....
and the bridge actually works
 5 November 2013, 16:07
Peter Jenssen
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
2 November 2013, 02:11
Stefan Schacht
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 11:39
Stefan Schacht Аутор
here is my idea F4U-4 Corsair | Project by Echo 8 (1:72)
 1 November 2013, 20:38
Urban Gardini
Yeah, bring it on!
 1 November 2013, 22:18
Alexander Aristides Cronvall
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 12:39
Urban Gardini
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
Сви коментари (7) » 31 October 2013, 22:29
Urban Gardini Аутор
It's fine with me mate!
 1 November 2013, 11:00
Urban Gardini Аутор
Added some guidelines now as well...
 1 November 2013, 11:00
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 10:27
Stefan Schneider
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 10:25
Fabian D.
will attend
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia in Worldwide
SCM Groupbuild - Matchbox Nostalgia

1. Јануар до 28. Фебруар 2014
1 November 2013, 10:24