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Bridgecon 2017

It's Back!

SMAS - IPMS Saskatoon

Детаљи о догађају

Bridgecon 2017
Saskatoon, SK CA
Организациони клуб:
SMAS - IPMS Saskatoon
After a 10 year hiatus Bridgecon is back and inviting all scale modelers to visit Saskatoon in May and enjoy a first class event. All Levels, Junior section included.
Догађај има такмичење
Contestants-$5 for first model. $1 for each additional model, up to a total of $10 for 6 or more entries. Price applies to Adults and 13-17 year olds. 12 and under, entries are free.

General public viewing-free


5. и 6. Мај 2017
Радно време:
BridgeCon 2017 Schedule

Friday May 5th

4:30 pm - 8:30 pm - Registration
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Show Time
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Club Social

Saturday May 6th

8:30 am - 12:00 pm - Registration
9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Show Time

Nutana Legion Artifacts Room will also be open during contest weekend.


3021 Louise St
S7J 3L1 Saskatoon, SK
Могућности паркирања:


3 пријатељи планирају да посете овај догађај



Dave Hill hilld
Ken Kolenovsky Collecting Many, Building Few!
Logan Eden Pithy Dictum

У конкуренцији

Dave Hill hilld
Logan Eden Pithy Dictum

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Најважније вести

Ken Kolenovsky
will attend
Bridgecon 2017 in Saskatoon, SK
Bridgecon 2017
CA Saskatoon, SK
5. и 6. Мај 2017
16 November 2016, 18:45
Logan Eden
Good Morning, Ken Thanks for the help getting BridgeCon off to the right start, if not for you, I think it would have stalled and gone no where. Catch Ya, Logan
 7 May 2017, 14:41
Ken Kolenovsky Аутор
Sorry Logan...the committee would have done a fantastic job with or without me. Thanks for the kudos, but it is not needed. I did what I could for the cause, that's all.
 8 May 2017, 03:00
Dave Hill
will attend
Bridgecon 2017 in Saskatoon, SK
Bridgecon 2017
CA Saskatoon, SK
5. и 6. Мај 2017
15 September 2016, 13:44
Logan Eden
Good Morning, Dave Great work on BridgeCon & being the M.C. I got a little tough at the end, but you pulled it out of the flames. Catch Ya, Logan
 7 May 2017, 14:41
Dave Hill Аутор
Thanks man. Much appreciated. It was fun working with you and all the other guys and I would look forward to doing it again. It was said many times yesterday but we learned a lot and I have no question that we can get another great turn out and actually award prizes next time! Thanks again. See you.
 7 May 2017, 18:52
Logan Eden
will attend
Bridgecon 2017 in Saskatoon, SK
Bridgecon 2017
CA Saskatoon, SK
5. и 6. Мај 2017
21 January 2017, 04:36