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Тема започета од стране TravisT

Travis Thompson
додао је нови фотоалбум.
26 29 October 2023, 00:05
Impressive work so far.
 24 February 2024, 09:54
Sergej I
Good looking spook! 👍
 21 March 2024, 10:16
David H
How did this escape my radar … beautiful spook. Out of interest who make the 3D decals ? They look incredible.
 29 April 2024, 11:32
Travis Thompson Аутор
Thanks guys, The 3D decals are Kelik ones, they worked out so good I brought a set for my Meng F4-G
 29 April 2024, 18:41
 30 April 2024, 00:56
Mr James
Wow.. thats bloody impressive weathering. Those 3D decals look the business. A very impressive build
 2 June 2024, 01:51

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