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David H (Dizzyduck )



David H
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7 слике
5 January, 10:15
David H
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1 5 January, 10:03
David H Аутор
All available and many more on the link below, Richard has made it clear on his web page these are for PERSONAL USE by modellers and NOT FOR USE COMMERCIALLY

 5 January, 10:08
David H
Added a new album with link to " print your own decals" hope this is of use to those of you that " print your own"😁

For those that don't know of Richard J Caruana.

5 January, 10:02

December 31, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
19 слике
This is not all it's cracked up to be …View album, image #1
Cracking across the tail decals. The gray smear is where I’d already started removing paint then though I really should ...
1:48 Phantom FGR. 2 (Revell 04962)1:48 McDonnell-Douglas F-4K Phantom FG.1 (Xtradecal X48186)1:48 F-4 British Phantom FG.1 Landing Gear (Scale Aircraft Conversions 48081)5+
Сви коментари (20) » 14 15 October 2024, 15:59
Patrick Hagelstein
I actually think this is a good thing because of potential misalignment from the decal printer. Printing presses print every color separately and it's quite a hassle to align all the different colours. By splitting decals this way the printers shift responsibility for perfect alignment to the modeller instead of themselves. 😉 But seriously, I'd rather center those red dots myself than have to look at a botched decal coming off a sheet.
1  31 December 2024, 15:48
David H Аутор
Hadn't looked at it that way. I seen too many unusable decals because of misalignment so maybe I should think good idea.. that said the revell tricolour rounded I have are perfect 😉 thinking about it, if the blue and white aren't centred , as long as the overlap is enough it won't make any difference. I can see the third colour has to be spot on or issues arise 👍🏻
2  31 December 2024, 17:53

December 13, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
18 слике
F104c “snoopy sniper”View album, image #6
Surprisingly I was expecting the master pitot to be a drop in fit but no. You have to fit the kit plastic pitot, cut it ...
Пројекат: Snoopy Put that gun down !
Сви коментари (19) » 40 1 March 2024, 18:11
Michael Kohl
Love the silver one with the white wings
 13 December 2024, 15:36
David H Аутор
Cheers mr D and Michael. The reason I put them both in the one build is that they are both the same airframe just at different points in their careers.
 13 December 2024, 18:34

December 2, 2024

David H
added Alclad II to његов list of favorite colors
2 December 2024, 08:37

November 28, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
7 слике
VMFA-212 LancersView album, image #1
Wrong stabs , all that raised detail will have to go and I’ll have to create a slotted edge somehow. ps, it’s not really...
Пројекат: F4j VMFA 212 Lancers
1:48 F-4J Phantom II `Show Time 100´ (Hasegawa 07206)1:48 USMC/USN F-4J/N Phantoms (Microscale 48-1143)
1 22 November 2024, 08:57
David H Аутор
This kit was bought as " believed complete" from eBay. What it actually is complete but with reservations. Incorrect stabs, they're from and fg1 boxing ( wished I'd known BEFORE doing the FAA rebuild ) . So they're first to be fixed before going any further.

This entails sanding off all the raised detail and creating the slotted leading edge. Let's see how that goes .
 22 November 2024, 09:03
David H
Beautifully printed sheet of a hard to find subject. Unfortunately Microscale have made some glaringly large (pun intended) errors.

First up are the stars and bars. These are way too large. More 1/32 than 1/48. In fact they are larger than those on the Hasegawa 1/32 skyhawk. In addition, on my sheet the blue looks a little to light in shade

Secondly , the “MARINES” text is too large and the wrong font.

On the plus side, the carrier is minimal and the printing is perfectly in register.

My Opinion:

Only worth buying if “MUST” have this airframe or if you have plenty of spares to replace the glaring errors. But if you do , it will result in a model in rarely seen livery
USMC/USN F-4J/N Phantoms VMFA-212 & VF-171 KW
Microscale 1:48
28 November 2024, 11:31
David H
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USMC/USN F-4J/N Phantoms VMFA-212 & VF-171 KW
Microscale 1:48
22 November 2024, 08:45
David H Аутор
Great printing but the "MARINES" font is totally wrong and the stars and bars are the same size as my 1/32 skyhawk 🤣 so also unusable. I got these dirt cheap (now I know why) . So basically don't waste your money unless you have plentiful spare decals (fortunately I do ).
 28 November 2024, 11:17

November 21, 2024

David H
додао је нови пројекат.
7 слике
У раду
1:48 F-4J Phantom II `Show Time 100´ (Hasegawa 07206)1:48 USMC/USN F-4J/N Phantoms (Microscale 48-1143)
21 November 2024, 21:10

November 8, 2024

David H
now follows Jurica Antić
8 November 2024, 10:57

October 27, 2024

David H
now follows Jon Bryon
27 October 2024, 09:32

October 22, 2024

David H
now follows Simon
22 October 2024, 22:25
David H
now follows Simon
22 October 2024, 22:25
David H
now follows Simon
22 October 2024, 20:59

October 14, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
40 слике
Colonial NavyView album, image #36
1:48 Phantom FGR. 2 (Revell 04962)1:48 McDonnell-Douglas F-4K Phantom FG.1 (Xtradecal X48186)1:48 F-4 British Phantom FG.1 Landing Gear (Scale Aircraft Conversions 48081)5+
Сви коментари (58) » 50 30 October 2021, 18:20
Andreas Lux
This effect of paint is definitely annoying, but that doesn't detract from the great result of your work!
 14 October 2024, 18:35
Guy Rump
Great job, sorry to hear about the paint issues afterwards. 👍
 14 October 2024, 19:55
David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
64 слике
RAF DuxfordView album, image #1
David H Аутор
You're welcome 👍🏻
 14 October 2024, 18:22
Shar Dipree
Thanks for sharing!
 14 October 2024, 18:30

September 8, 2024

David H
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F-16C Viper Demo Team 2024
Kinetic 1:48
48107 2024 Нови делови
8 September 2024, 15:37

May 27, 2024

David H
жели овај предмет
F-16C Viper Demo Team 2024
Kinetic 1:48
48107 2024 Нови делови
27 May 2024, 07:52

April 20, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
17 слике
Three Little BirdsView album, image #1
First up the monogram cockpit, with the bottom half of the seats moulded in but some nice detail on the consoles as well...
Пројекат: Three Little Birds
1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'Screaming Eagles' (Hasegawa 00151)1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Revell 03941)1:72 F-4J "Aardvarks" (Fine Molds FP43S)
Сви коментари (10) » 15 6 November 2023, 22:14
David H Аутор
Thankyou for the like @Lukas 👍🏻
 7 March 2024, 17:17
David H Аутор
So this has stalled a little bit , due to 1.my errors (wrecked the port stabilator and had to scratch a new one , 2 lost bits and pieces (lost 1 of the the flaps, now thankfully turned up) 3.other projects.;4. A change of plan.

I'm taking photos as I go but will post them when all 3 birds are finished to give a better "side by side" comparison

Thankyou to all of still following this 👍🏻
 20 April 2024, 10:26

April 5, 2024

David H
додао је нови фотоалбум.
31 слике
Bad KittyView album, image #21
Пројекат: Grumman F-14A Tomcat
Сви коментари (23) » 25 25 August 2023, 16:46
David H Аутор
Yeah , VF1 was my fave at the time, must admit the early ghostriders scheme has pipped it to the top of my list (VF142)
 5 April 2024, 19:46
Guy Rump
Looking good, following for the final leg. 👍
 5 April 2024, 21:37


2024-04-05 21:37:02

2021-08-17 21:45:47


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