Messe für Modellbau und Modellsport
Etkinlik detayları
- isim:
- kasaba:
- Dortmund
- About:
- INTERMODELLBAU is Europe's largest exhibition of modelmaking and model sport.
Make the most of the many different products and services offered by our approximately 450 exhibitors and
• find out about the latest developments on the market
• get ideas and information
• test materials
• buy and purchase products
• or simply have fun enjoying our programme of side events
At INTERMODELLBAU you will be able to find out everything you want to know about modelmaking, model cars, model railways, aeroplanes or boats, in a compact manner over a period of five days.
Learn tricks and get tips from experienced modelmaking experts, and visit the special presentations of various models. - yarışma:
- Etkinliğin yarışması yok
- Giriş bedeli:
- Pre-selling prices
Adults - 11,00 €
Adult groups (more than 10 persons) per person - 8,50 €
Reduced price, with coupon - 9,00 €
Children (6-13) - 4,50 €
Young people (14-16), ), students, school students, handicapped persons with an identity card, trainees and apprentices - 8,50 €
Season-ticket - 30,50 €
Afternoon ticket (from 2 p.m.) - 5,50 €
Family ticket (2 adults with max. 3 children till 13 years) - 23,00 €
Day ticket prices
Adults - 14,00 €
Adult groups (more than 10 persons) per person - 10,50 €
Reduced price, with coupon - 12,00 €
Children (6-13) - 6,00 €
Young people (14-16), ), students, school students, handicapped persons with an identity card, trainees and apprentices - 10,50 €
Season-ticket - 35,50 €
Teenager group, more than 10 persons, per person - 6,00 €
Afternoon ticket (from 2 p.m.) - 6,00 €
Family ticket (2 adults with max. 3 children till 13 years) - 27,00 €
Ne zaman
- tarih:
- 9-13 Nisan 2014
- Açılış saatleri:
- 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.: 09 - 12-April
09:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.: 13-April
- Adres:
- Rheinlanddamm 200
44139 Dortmund - Park seçenekleri:
- Car parks accommodating 8,800 cars and buses are available close to the exhibition grounds. The parking fee is 6.00 EUROS per car at all parking lots.
3 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor
Daha fazla bilgi
Bu etkinlikle ilgili tüm bilgileri şu adreste bulabilirsiniz: INTERMODELLBAU 2014 anasayfa
Fotoğraf albümleri
Bu olayla ilgili bilinen hiçbir fotoğraf albümü yok.
Raporları göster
18 show reports related to Expo-Intermodellbau
Benzer olaylar

20-24 Nisan 2016

20-24 Nisan 2016