AMPS Great White North
Etkinlik detayları
- isim:
- AMPS Great White North
- kasaba:
- Oshawa
- About:
- In conjunction with the Ontario Regiment Museum's Aquino Day, The Armour Modelling and Preservation Society, Canada Region, will be hosting its regional armour model exhibit, contest and flea market on May 29 and 30, 2015 in Oshawa, Ontario.
Modellers, historians and merchandisers interested in military vehicle scale modeling, military vehicle history and preservation will not want to miss this event. It is expected to be the largest event of its kind in Canada, and will attract people from around the globe.
Scale modelers are invited to bring their creative work for display and plug into the friendly and instructional atmosphere. The show is expected to have over 150 models on display, each with its own unique construction, finishing and display features. A wide array of categories helps to group similar subjects and there are even diorama and figure categories - yarışma:
- Etkinliğin bir yarışması var
- Giriş bedeli:
- Admission to the Aquino Day show, including the real vehicle displays and the running vehicles is $10 per person, $2 for children and $20 for a family (2 adults and 2 children). This fee will be collected by the Aquino Day staff when you enter the grounds.
General admission to the AMPS model display room and the vendors is no additional charge.
Contest registrants will be limited to a maximum of 15 model entries for judging. Additional models may be placed on the "Display Only" table. Contest registration fees are as follows:
AMPS Member: 1 to 4 entries $15
5 to 15 entries $25
Non-AMPS Member 1 to 4 entries $20
5 to 15 entries $30
Junior (17 and under): 1 to 15 entries $5
Note: AMPS Member means a member in good standing of the AMPS International Organization. To join AMPS, go to the AMPS Website at
Ne zaman
- tarih:
- 29. ve 30. Mayıs ayı 2015
- Adres:
- 1000 Stevenson Rd. North
L1J 5P5 Oshawa - Park seçenekleri:
- Free parking
3 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor
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Raporları göster
1 show reports related to Expo-AMPS Great White North
Benzer olaylar

AMPS Great White North
Oshawa, ON
30. ve 31. Mayıs ayı 2014

30. ve 31. Mayıs ayı 2014
Haber akışı

will attend

AMPS Great White North
29. ve 30. Mayıs ayı 2015

29. ve 30. Mayıs ayı 2015
24 January 2015, 21:50

will attend

AMPS Great White North
29. ve 30. Mayıs ayı 2015

29. ve 30. Mayıs ayı 2015
21 January 2015, 13:21