Model Fest 2017
Don't Worry Be Happy!
Etkinlik detayları
- isim:
- Model Fest 2017
- kasaba:
- Liberty
- Organize Kulübü:
- Name
- About:
- Model Fest 2017, Saturday 26 August, 2017, Liberty Christian Fellowship Church, 1815 West Liberty Dr, Liberty MO 64068, Registration 9am to Noon, 40 Categories with splits, Raffle, Awards start 3pm, Free Pizza for Voluntary Judges, web site IPMS West Central Missouri. Thanks for posting If you can. Jeff Bobela, IPMS 31180.
- yarışma:
- Etkinliğin bir yarışması var
- Giriş bedeli:
- Walk ins-Adults 3.00, kids under 12-Free
Ne zaman
- tarih:
- 26. Ağustos 2017
- Açılış saatleri:
- 0900
- Adres:
- 1815 West Liberty Dr, Liberty Missouri (NE Kansas City)
64068 Liberty - Park seçenekleri:
- Free
1 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor
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Haber akışı

Model Fest 2017, Saturday 26 August, 2017, Liberty Christian Fellowship Church, 1815 West Liberty Dr, Liberty MO 64068, Registration 9am to Noon, 40 Categories with splits, Raffle, Awards start 3pm, Free Pizza for Voluntary Judges, web site IPMS West Central Missouri. Thanks for posting If you can. Jeff Bobela, IPMS 31180.

Model Fest 2017
26. Ağustos 2017

26. Ağustos 2017
14 February 2017, 16:49