ölçekli modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi

ArosOpen 2023

Etkinlik detayları

ArosOpen 2023
Risskov DK
ArosOpen is the annual model competition and gathering for model builders who meet at Strandskolen in Egaa, north of Aarhus. The event takes place on 9 – 10 September this year.
On Saturday (and Sunday), you have the opportunity to rent a table, so we can build models together, and several shops have stands with model kits and everything that goes with them. There will also be workshops, lectures, and more, which vary from year to year.
On Sunday, there is a competition while building activities and sales booths remain open. The competition culminates at 4:00 PM with the award ceremony.
See the program (work in progress) at arosopen.dk/, and mark the weekend of 9 – 10 September in your calendar already.
Etkinliğin bir yarışması var
Giriş bedeli:
Spectators €3

Ne zaman

9. ve 10. Eylül 2023
Açılış saatleri:
Open for registration.


Nellikevej 1
8240 Risskov
Park seçenekleri:
On site


2 arkadaşlar bu etkinliği ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor


Mike Betts Mike1402



Mike Betts Mike1402

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Benzer olaylar

Aros Open 2024 in Risskov
Aros Open 2024
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14. ve 15. Eylül 2024
Aros Open in Risskov
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DK Risskov
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Aros Open 2020  in Risskov
Aros Open 2020
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7. ve 8. Kasım 2020
İptal edildi

Haber akışı

Kjeld Pedersen
will attend
ArosOpen 2023 in Risskov
ArosOpen 2023
DK Risskov
9. ve 10. Eylül 2023
20 November 2023, 10:43
Mike Betts
will attend
ArosOpen 2023 in Risskov
ArosOpen 2023
DK Risskov
9. ve 10. Eylül 2023
6 August 2023, 16:27