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Thomas Kolb
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
87 Görüntüler
SAAB Viggen - "Thor's Hammers" - Special Hobby - Quadruple BuildView album, image #87Yeni: 17 March, 10:03
It's time to cover up everything again, this time except the surfaces to be painted black. Unfortunately I had to buy a ...
1:72 AJ-37/SK-37 Viggen (Special Hobby SH72411)1:72 Pod KB (Maestro Models MMK7206)1:72 Pod KA / U22 (Maestro Models MMK7207)14+
Tüm yorumlar (58) » 72 15 January, 18:11
Michael Kohl
Was anxious to see how you handle the masking but see that you struggle with the three tone camo too. Cross my fingers for a satisfactory end result.
1  17 March, 08:57
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Michael, it is really not that difficult, only extremely time-consuming and require a very good eye-sight (or magnifying glasses). Too bad that the masks only partially reflect the actual camo pattern, I was hoping that they would be near perfect.
 17 March, 09:52
Thomas Kolb
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
39 Görüntüler
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')View album, image #38
Bottom surfaces that will be light blue-grey are pre-shaded. There is no point shading the rear fuselage underside, whic...
1:72 J-35 Draken (Eduard CX138)1:72 SAAB J35F/J Draken (Maestro Models MMP7211)1:72 Saab J35F/J Draken (Flying Colors Aerodecals SR7210)3+
Tüm yorumlar (26) » 32 12 March, 17:23
Juergen Klinglhuber
me too,----👀
1  15 March, 17:34
 16 March, 15:11
Jakub Chlodek
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (5) » 13 17 March, 05:01
Wow, very nice. Love the finish
 17 March, 09:26
Jakub Fiala
Excellent work! 👍
 17 March, 09:40
Bill Mathews
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
16 23 February, 06:27
Major Oak
Amazing detail looking 👍
 16 March, 14:15
Decals for the figure's uniform is a nice touch
Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B (Sd.Kfz.101)
Tamiya 1:35
35388 (MM-388) 2024 Yeni araç
17 March, 09:36
Jakub Fiala
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (83) » 103 20 January, 15:01
Alec K
Damn, looks cool. That WINGROOT!! 👍👍👍
 16 March, 13:18
Jakub Fiala Yazar
Thanks a lot Thomas and Alec!
 17 March, 09:28
Gustavo Antonelli
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
9 Görüntüler
Mitsubishi F2AView album, image #1
1:72 Mitsubishi F-2A/B (Hasegawa 00545)
Tüm yorumlar (5) » 11 12 March, 18:53
That's a nice looking build. Good work.
 17 March, 03:51
Same as Dave!
 17 March, 09:28
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (9) » 23 16 March, 09:46
Simon Nagorsnik
1  17 March, 04:45
Top small scale build!
 17 March, 09:27
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
3 17 March, 06:18
Well done! Base wanted!
 17 March, 09:26
Bavel Cat
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
11 Görüntüler
Belaz-7547. AssemblyView album, image #10
proje: Belaz-7547
1:43 BelAZ-7547 (AVD Models 1507)
8 3 January 2024, 13:20
I like to build them, the whole family. The biggest trucks of my childbood... buy they are pretty expensive and very difficult to buy.
1  12 April 2024, 17:54
Bavel Cat Yazar
miloss, I bought it from us for 39 euros. Relative to other models, it can be expensive, but I think it's worth it. Don't they bring them to you?((((
 16 March, 10:16
Well, 39€ is reasonable price. But it is nearly impossible to buy any AVD models here. Because of STUPID "reasons".
 17 March, 09:26
Sergey Stepin
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
9 Görüntüler
Bus stopView album, image #1
proje: Bus stop
1:43 ZiU-10 (AVD Models 4024)1:43 Liaz-677M (AVD Models 4028AVD)
Tüm yorumlar (8) » 19 20 January 2022, 13:22
Christian W
Somehow I like this diorama. Pretty well done!
 17 March, 06:47
Very appealing diorama!
 17 March, 09:24
Chris T. An
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (17) » 22 28 February, 21:34
Chris T. An Yazar
Thank you guys. @Łukasz: Unfortunately, the building no longer exists as it was destroyed in an air raid when the Americans actually wanted to hit the Arado aircraft factory. There are only 2-3 photos left, one of them see picture 1 in the album.
1  17 March, 08:30
Schön geworden!
 17 March, 09:22
Mike Samarsky
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
1 14 March, 13:15
A flawless beauty!
 17 March, 09:20
Steven Van Dyck
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (7) » 10 1 March, 02:20
George Williams
Great work so far, Steven, and a nice reference book. What colour have you painted the bodywork?
 17 March, 01:48
Steven Van Dyck Yazar
Thanks, George. At this moment no paint has been applied yet. Instructions for the entire frame are a mix semi gloss/ matt black, but my reference for the interior seems to be leather brown. This will be done with Tamiya and Gunze paints. The outside will be the emerald green paint I showed on the pictures. I think this is solvent based, it's ten years ago I used that in an airbrush.
 17 March, 09:02
Emanuele Matteucci
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
8 10 March, 09:48
Motatim Stanislaw
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
8 Görüntüler
Су-34 View album, image #8
proje: Su-34
1:72 Su-34 (Zvezda 7298)
Tüm yorumlar (10) » 15 4 January, 10:31
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Duck ahead! 👀
Looking good, you even printed some bombs. 👍

Did you print them because they were not included in the kit or were you not happy with the details of the ordnance?
 17 March, 08:23
Martin Weinpold
Im in!
 17 March, 08:34
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
5 Görüntüler
Saudi FalconsView album, image #1Yeni: 17 March, 08:22
On this large scale, every detail is appreciated. A little scratching for cables and some springs are easy to make, addi...
1:32 Panavia Tornado (Black Box CS 32005)1:32 Tornado Flaps and Slats (Paragon Designs 32025)1:32 Panavia Tornado Exhaust Nozzles (Aires 2124)15+
17 March, 08:20
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
27 29 January, 13:24
 29 January, 19:02
Nice start 👍
 19 February, 18:44
Dave Flitton
Nice start.
 19 February, 21:24
servalpe Yazar
It has been painted mani body color with AK Real Color RC914 Have Glass Grey FS36170.
 28 February, 12:31
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
17 March, 07:55
Cristian A
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
46 Görüntüler
Mi-8MT build logView album, image #44
✅ Steps 27/41 +29/41 +32/41
proje: Mi-8MT
1:48 Mil Mi-8MT (Zvezda 4828)1:48 Mil Mi-8MT Hip Canopy, Wheels & Windows Paint Masks Set (DN Models 48/827-129)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)8+
Tüm yorumlar (35) » 54 15 December 2024, 17:39
Cristian A Yazar
Thanks a ton for the incredible support! I'm absolutely captivated by this model, very complex but amazing fun to build ! 😃✨
1  16 March, 09:00
Arnold Mertens
nice build. How is the Zvesda kit? Had some poor experience with an ISU-122 body all warped.
 17 March, 07:54
Alexander Romanov
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
13 14 February, 06:30
Top models!
2  14 February, 09:15
Arnold Mertens
 17 March, 07:53
Raphael Bernecole
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
10 16 November 2024, 15:42
Well done so far 👍
Bay wheels and cockpit looks great! 👍
 16 November 2024, 18:49
Cristian A
Following 👍
 19 January, 14:33
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
163 Görüntüler
The less charismatic Scammell brothers. Scarab & Mechanical horse.View album, image #153Yeni: 16 March, 14:06
I made this tool roll out of a washing up bottle and sticky-back plastic. Ooooonly joking (Mrs Gorby has said she’s goin...
1:76 Scammell Scarab (Dapol C33)
Tüm yorumlar (213) » 69 1 December 2024, 15:42
Jan Peters
Those bases are the bees knees Gorby!
 16 March, 18:50
gorby Yazar
Aaaaarrggh those damn bees again!
😄 😄 Thanks Jan. 🙂
1  17 March, 07:39
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
15 Görüntüler
MAN TGM GW-L 2View album, image #14Yeni: 17 March, 07:29
I think it’s ok but I need to improve it
1:24 HLF 20 Varus 4x4 (Revell 07452)1:24 Truck Conversion Kit (Italeri 776)1:24 HAD front hubs for German construction truck (A&N Model Trucks ANMT-78)2+
Tüm yorumlar (13) » 12 28 January, 14:06
The headlights guard looks very good to me. Did you use plastic or metal rods? I don't think you can get any thinner with plastic
1  17 March, 05:10
Qwertzel Yazar
Thank you Goldman! I used cables. I bended them to the right shape. The outer and inner parts are from the same cable just with and without isolation
1  17 March, 06:14
Zsolt Czegle
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (13) » 22 24 February, 19:18
Łukasz Gliński
Nice one! Is it a 3D print?
 11 March, 20:06
Zsolt Czegle Yazar
Thank you mates!

Łukasz: yes it's a 3D printed resin
1  11 March, 20:38
Michael Valentan
The tracks are reworked, the axels are nor attached, ther is no possibility to connect the parts with wire...
I made tracks for one model...and had only 7 links broken while preparing them. eacht time there was a small amount of glue getting into the hole for the axels when applying the "rubber"-pad of the tracks and then, when trying to put the track on the model they simply snapped...or the rubberpad came lose and the track had to be fixed. nice when already painted and lightly weathered...
Friul had this type of tracks years ago...and the were pure shit. I am no fan of these treacks, where you connect the track links with gluing the ruberpads to the steelpart and then inserting a wire (which you dont have here).
I recommend to cut of the axel, drill a hole left and right, glue the rubberpad to the steelpart and thenn connect with 0,5-mm-wire. Or you learn a lot of new words while swearing...
1 17 March, 07:23
Bob Hall
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
1 18 June 2019, 05:56
Bob Hall Yazar
Just for Mr Liver ! LOL !
 18 June 2019, 05:58
Chris Greathouse
Niiiice!! 😛 😛 😛 You can call me anything Bob!! Just don't call me late for dinner 😛
 18 June 2019, 06:09
Bob Hall Yazar
Deal !
 18 June 2019, 06:15
Christian W
Just tumbled over this built. How far are you with it? Did you made some progress?
 17 March, 07:14
johann cheng
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
10 17 December 2021, 17:18
Rod -
Cool looking car 🙂 I'm gonna have to find one of those kits now!
 17 December 2021, 23:38
johann cheng Yazar
Yeah. it was a fun kit to build.
 18 December 2021, 04:46
Christian W
I like this kit a lot. I think it is one of the best model kits those years by Revell. Good color choice also with the interior! That looks pretty good together.
 17 March, 07:12
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
Tüm yorumlar (36) » 93 4 December 2023, 20:09
WOW, fantastic!
1  11 March, 10:45
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS Yazar
many thanks @gorby! Glad you like it
 11 March, 12:46
Cam Saunders
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
7 30 December 2024, 10:00
Mark W
This is shaping up to be really awesome!
Is putty your preferred method for attaching resin parts to plastic kits?
1  2 January, 20:36
Cam Saunders Yazar
Hey Mark, I used araldite to attach the resin headlights to the body and filled the gaps with putty. It's taking alot of time sanding.
1  3 January, 00:58
Mark W
Thanks for the info!
1  3 January, 01:17
Cam Saunders Yazar
Next time I'll use the pop up lights on the tamiya r1 with some aoshima parts bit kit bashin
 17 March, 05:50
Péter Tolnai
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
10 16 March, 15:27
Alex K
Good work! 👍
 17 March, 01:00
Mark K
 17 March, 04:35
Robert Podkoński
Good job indeed.
 17 March, 05:37
Christian W
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
17 Görüntüler
2022 Corvette Coupe C8 - wipView album, image #17Yeni: 17 March, 05:07
The small dots are chipping from the red paint. Somehow. But removed and/or corrected anyway. The second seat is in prog...
1:25 Corvette C8 Coupe (Revell 07714)
Tüm yorumlar (11) » 15 23 August 2024, 05:55
Nigel Chapman
US and European spec kits. Whatever next? 😁
1  6 March, 22:16
Christian W Yazar
Who knows :/
On the weekend I finished the chassis. The wheel arches are mounted too. But befor that, I wanted toshow this exquisite engine. There are a lot of details and parts. Sadly, the engine will be hidden in the rear and only the top will be visible. It should be worth it, to build the powerplant seperatly and put it near the model kit for display.
 11 March, 06:28
Christian W
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
14 Görüntüler
1993 Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo - wipView album, image #14Yeni: 17 March, 04:58
Second chance. Stripping of the color with Dowanol.
1:25 1993 Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo (AMT/ERTL 8606)
Tüm yorumlar (6) » 8 20 February, 14:37
Christian W Yazar
I painted the body black to get a better result for the final color. My experinces the last month told me, that somehow the edges and "panel lines" came through the paint and stayed brownish. To avoid that I decided to paint the whole car black. As you see, the edges and panel lines are well painted too. But .... after two days of drying, I have some scratches on the drivers side and the hood. Great. Love it like pest....
 11 March, 07:30
Christian W Yazar
Stripping of the color didn't work on the first shot. Only the black paint was gone, not the primer. On top, the primer was week and sticky. So I decided to change Dowanol (the fluid, which is a paint stripper) because it can be, that it is to old. I thought. And was right. I never changed it since a hand full of years. I can't even remember, that I changed it anyway.
So I have to report, that the primer is gone and I can start with painting again.
 17 March, 05:05
Andy Ball
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
8 Görüntüler
Champagne FaireyView album, image #1
Reference 1
1:72 Fairey Battle Mk.I (Azur-FRROM FR0048)
Tüm yorumlar (14) » 19 3 February, 19:23
Villiers de Vos
Coming along nicely Andy. Booking my seat.
 17 March, 04:55
Let me find a chair for this one. I don't know if helps any but I find in a pitch painted tamiya masking tape works well for seat belts.
 17 March, 05:02





