Scandinavia’s Freindliest Modelling Event
Подробиці події
- Ім'я:
- C4-Open
- Місто:
- Malmo
- About:
- As usual it is to be held the last weekend of October at our usual location at Kockum Fritid, Västra Varvsgatan 8 in Malmö, Sweden.
We welcome you all to at much longed for weekend dedicated to our favorite hobby, modeling!
As usual, our goal is to offer our visitors a first class show/competition with a large quantity of modeling subjects on display, an extensive hobby market and many interesting club displays.
In addition, there will be inspiring lectures with a well-furnished prize table. - Конкурс:
- На заході є конкурс
- Вхідні внески:
- The price for admission as a visitor is 100sek (valid both days). Cash only.
- Дата:
- 26. і 27. Жовтень 2024
- Години роботи:
- Opening hours:
Saturday – Displays and competition:
The venue is open for visitors 11:00 – 16:00
Check-in of entries 09.00-11.00
Rigging of SIG’s and club displays and check-in for vendors 09.00-10.00
Sunday – Displays, Competition, Award Ceremony:
The venue is open for visitors 10.00-16.00
Judging 09.00-12.00 (the competition hall will be closed during this period)
Award Ceremony 15.00
Check-out and closing of C4-Open 16.00-18.00
- Адреса:
- Vastra valvsgatan 8
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Подібні події

C4-Open 2023
28. і 29. Жовтень 2023

28. і 29. Жовтень 2023

C4 Open
28. і 29. Вересень 2017

28. і 29. Вересень 2017

24. і 25. Жовтень 2020

24. і 25. Жовтень 2020
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