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Esci sdkfz 10/4.
And another one bites the dust. :) Finally
Проект: Sd.Kfz.10/4
Всі коментарі (132) » 58 16 March 2015, 20:55

Thank you for the reverse photos of tailer trap and information, this helps a great deal.
14 March, 14:57

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6 15 March, 13:01

Amazing build using this Kitty Hawk kit! A quick question, was there any big fit issues and if so where? Thanks Ray
15 March, 13:20

A bloody awful project. Took me almost six months to complete with plenty of problems. Now I know why Kitty Hawk kits are so widely disliked.
I wanted to build most hatches closed and kit really doesn't like that. Fitting problems with the engine cowlings were enormous and although I managed to get a decent result, the gaps between panels stand out if looked closely. Instructions were downright shit, without reference photos it was impossible to know how certain parts were supposed to fit and in my eagerness, I glued engine extraction vents on top of the fuselage wrong way (in most jets those are intakes, but on Jaguar these are extraction vents and awnings should face aft). Kit included wrong clear parts sprue, for French version and although most clear parts are identical, the French version does not have laser designator window on front. I had to scratch build the nose and window. Decals were extremely fragile and broke on several occasions. That is why there is no ID number on front wheel door, although there should be. Had it not included curved numbers (732), I could have tried to paint it but decided against it.
On the plus side, details are good and generally fit was nice (except on lower fuselage and some PE parts). Parts were numerous and as I like building, it was fun until I hit the too frequent problems that I listed above. Not a kit I would build again but I was steadfast to finish this despite plenty of angry words uttered during the project.
Final insult was malfunction on my camera. It doesn't suddenly get shutter speed right and so photos are too dark. I adjusted exposure on GIMP but phots don't really match the colors of the model.
15 March, 13:27

Thanks Jonkka for taking the time on such a detailed answer. I have several Kitty Hawk kits and love the subjects but hear the same story about them being challenging. I missed the backward extractors and most people would at a contest. Even greater respect that you were able to get to the finish line on this kit and turn out such a quality build.
Cheers Ray
15 March, 13:44

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1 15 March, 13:44

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6 зображення
Overlooking Foy, 1945 | 1:48
Проект: Bastogne, Winter January 1945
3 15 March, 14:15

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6 зображення
Sea Vixen FAW.2 completed
I am well aware of this kit´s shortcomings, shapewise.
Проект: Sea Vixen FAW.2
2 15 March, 14:07

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6 зображення
the Island is colored. The scheme is Measure 3/8A.
Проект: 1:350 CVL-22 Independence
Всі коментарі (7) » 9 17 February, 07:58

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Всі коментарі (5) » 19 10 May 2023, 18:00

Beautifully built and I love the weathering. But why is the pilots name upside down?
15 March, 14:58

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Всі коментарі (5) » 17 21 March 2023, 11:47

dzięki za słowa otuchy 🙂. Dla mnie efekt weatheringu na varnishu (stosuje vallejo i mig) to nadal totolotek. Moze sam sie prosze o problemy biorąc pomalowany model gołymi palcami...
18 November 2023, 14:19

Mam to samo 😉 Jakoś nie do końca jestem w stanie ogarnąć te wszystkie preparaty - które z czym reagują a z czym nie...
18 November 2023, 14:26

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2 15 March, 03:57

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Всі коментарі (5) » 22 19 February 2023, 19:18

I couldnt find J7W blue prints for corrent riveting so I use only pictures available in google but CheshireGap's post on Britmodeller.com was big help for me...
9 March 2023, 15:28

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Всі коментарі (81) » 101 20 January, 15:01

That is what I call beautiful painting! And a very clean and neat build too.
1 15 March, 14:17

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26 зображення
Building the Revell Sea Vixen FAW.2
The inventory. Apart from the Eduard interior PE, I got an Airwaves exterior set, and masks by DEAD design.
Проект: Sea Vixen FAW.2
5 15 March, 13:48

That was a nice and tidy build, I like your detailed description too! The red dry transfer piping was a great save!
15 March, 14:12

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Всі коментарі (69) » 74 31 October 2022, 06:18

Nice to welcome you on board, Stefan.
Yes, the ION figures are of excellent quality, Jennifer.
15 March, 14:00

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17 6 November 2023, 22:34

Thank you Mark. It's smoke blue H96 with drop of XF-23/XF-8/XF-2 (depending on the layer, 4 layers, 10:1 ratio)
I like the final colour too, despite I struggled with colour consistency.
12 December 2023, 11:21

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This album no longer exists
3 зображення
Focke-Wulf FW 190D-9. Zvezda 7210This album does not contain any images.
15 March, 13:31

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7 14 March, 21:55

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5 зображення
15. Panzer Division, North Africa 1941 DAK Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F-1
Проект: Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.F-1
1 15 March, 13:22

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Всі коментарі (10) » 8 6 August 2017, 22:11

While not generally a Ford fan, I did really like this model. It still looks good 8 years after I built it, too. Thank you Tim Hofstetter, Rui S, Bob Hall, Dave, Neuling and Istvan Szucs.
1 15 March, 13:19

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28 зображення
Hobby 2 Grand. 1.48 Hawker Hurricane MK IIA.
Hawker Hurricane MK1. F/O WL McKnight (Canadian) No242 Sqdn. Italeri 1.48 Kit. The fifth kit I built since returning to ...
Всі коментарі (38) » 43 24 January, 19:45

That's nice, Mark. It looks really good. When you say it is all brush-painted,, do you mean airbrush or paintbrush?
14 March, 22:44

Hi Jennifer F/O McKnight's Hurricane was brush painted. It was my fifth build on returning to the hobby. Built on the back kitchen table.
15 March, 13:09

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20 зображення
Gothic Gabled House - Anklam, Germany 1925
Finished this project, here are the final pictures.
Всі коментарі (11) » 15 28 February, 21:34

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Всі коментарі (56) » 35 27 February, 13:23

Several of the photos I have looked at have similar colors to the Hataka paints. Interesting this plane seems to have been repainted with more vibrant colors at some point. Colors aren't standardized in Russia like other air forces, hence the confusion.
15 March, 12:58

I will try using the Hataka colors for the SU-27UB that I have in my stash when I build it.
15 March, 13:00

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5 зображення
Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (FROG\NOVO\ARK)
Filling, priming, sanding. And repeat again :)
Всі коментарі (7) » 7 9 February, 18:17

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38 зображення
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')
Primed in grey with the MRP LPG Fine Surface Primer. I haven't used this primer before, but it certainly worked out grea...
Проект: Saab J 35F 'Draken' - Hasegawa
Всі коментарі (24) » 29 12 March, 17:23

Dear friends, you are too kind .... Blue-green camo it shall be, just kind of reasonably sun-bleached, nothing too fancy. I am still experimenting with the MRP range, so I will need to be a bit careful not to mess up.
14 March, 17:23

Following late! Shame to see the C-conversion set is wrong-sized. Was it one-time bad luck or could it apply to all sets? One reason could be mold and resin shrinking that is normally very small but with that large and long part the shrinking became significant factor.
1 14 March, 17:54

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13 зображення
SAS Landrover Pink Panther 
Testing means of making a new headlight lens, as the kit has solid plastic lenses
Проект: S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther
Всі коментарі (12) » 12 9 March, 14:08

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3 зображення
Ford 3L GT P-68
Not much air getting to engine so opened the vents
Проект: Ford 3L P-68
1 14 March, 07:37

Had hoped to build this great looking car OOB but I've some how mislaid the all be it limited decal sheet. I was going to have a go at doing my own decals or stencils but in look for info I found a sheet from DECALDOC.COM which includes all the extra advertising.
14 March, 07:42

Во время сборки модели Revell Harbour Tug Boat я накосячил с декалями: они легли неплотно, прозрачные элементы помутнели и выделялись на фоне краски модели.
Поэтому, когда пришла очередь клеить наклейки на Heller Thonier Armour, я решил попробовать специальные жидкости для клейки декалей. Были куплены Thinner Mr.Mark Setter и Thinner Mr.Mark Softer. Делюсь мыслями по их использованию.
Поэтому, когда пришла очередь клеить наклейки на Heller Thonier Armour, я решил попробовать специальные жидкости для клейки декалей. Были куплены Thinner Mr.Mark Setter и Thinner Mr.Mark Softer. Делюсь мыслями по их использованию.
15 March, 12:23

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23 зображення
Graf Spee 1939
Working with masking putty which is new for me. Waves became a little smaller than I wanted.
Проект: Graf Spee 1939
Всі коментарі (9) » 12 16 December 2024, 18:05

Thanks Villiers! My daughter asked me today if I had only built two ships and one small plane after working such a long time. She looked incredulous when I told her that was actually the case🙂
1 23 February, 20:57

The notorious "pocket battleship" Graf Spee! Taking a seat for this one!
1 27 February, 20:14