Japanese Naval Vessel Type "koh" Destroyer
Nichimo | № DKS-204 | 1:200

Супутні товари
Detail and Conversion sets
Призначений для: Same Product family
Призначений для: Generic

Nichimo and GOMIX-Flymodel:
Imperial Japanese Navy Ventilators, Rectangular Cowl for Nagato, Mutsu and Kongo class, and Akizuki Model Monkey 1:200
200-IJN Rect Cowl 2016 Нова прес-форма 
Imperial Japanese Navy Ventilators, "Mushroom" Cowl set of 33
Model Monkey 1:200
200-IJN Mushroom 2016 Нова прес-форма Nameplates
Призначений для: Generic

Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Shiranui 不知火Model Monkey 1:200
np-Shiranui-6 2023 Нова прес-форма 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Tan Yang 丹陽Model Monkey 1:200
np-Tan Yang-4 2021 Нова прес-форма 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Yukikaze 雪風Model Monkey 1:200
np-Yukikazi-4 2021 Нова прес-форма 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Kagero 陽炎Model Monkey 1:200
np-Kagero-4 2021 Нова прес-форма 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Nowaki 野分Model Monkey 1:200
np-Nowaki-4 2021 Нова прес-форма 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Maikaze 舞風Model Monkey 1:200
np-Maikaze-4 2021 Нова прес-форма