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United States Main Battle Tank M1A1 AIM

Trumpeter | № 00926 | 1:16

Boxart M1A1 AIM 00926 Trumpeter


United States Main Battle Tank M1A1 AIM
Повний набір
2017 Нова прес-форма
9580208009261 (EAN)
Жорстка коробка (відкривається згори)
M1 Abrams » Танки (Транспортні засоби)

Вміст коробки

700x510x165 mm (27.6x20.1x6.5 inch)

5160 g (11.38 lbs)

Дизайн Boxart Vincent Wai

Графік продукту

Повна історія »


Завантажити 7573Kb (.pdf)


Logo Super-Hobby.com
USD 181.05
PLВ наявності »
Logo Hobbylinc.com
USD 199.09
USВ наявності »
Logo MegaHobby.com
USD 241.36
USВ наявності »
Logo Sprue Brothers Models
USD 270.49
USВ наявності »
Logo 1001hobbies.com
USD 156.66
FRДоступні »
Logo BNA Model World
AUD 332.95
AU USD 217.52В наявності »

Показати всі пропозиції » (13 загалом)

Альтернативні SKU для Trumpeter 00926:
TRU00926 | TR00926 | TRU0926 | TRP0926 | TR 00926 | TPT00926

Примітка: Ціни та наявність орієнтовні. Також перевірте, чи справді товар відповідає опису!

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Огляди "в коробці"

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Derek Engelhaupt
This kit has some major flaws in the upper hull. I wouldn't recommend purchasing it. The driver's hatch is raised in the front and sunken down in the back. The front fenders are really molded poorly. There are details just above the side skirts on the right hand side of the tank that are duplicated from the left side. Problem is they aren't supposed to be on the right side of the tank...only the left.
2 15 August 2017, 21:55
Derek Engelhaupt Автор
Now that I have started the kit there are a few more notes. The turret bustle rack is actually molded too long for the turret by about a 1/4". Had to shorten it by hacking some material out of the right side. The barrel also doesn't sit where it should stock. If you mount it by the directions the barrel will be sunken into the mount and appear to be really short. Both of the headlights are supposed to oriented the same way with the big clear light on the right side of the of the housing. The kit has the big clear light on the outside of both lights (one left and one right). One of the housings needs to be flipped 180 degrees to be correct so that both lights are mounted in the same direction with the larger light on the right side of the housing (both right). For being an M1A1 AIM version, there should only be a gas cap on the left rear of the tank were the generator should be. The extra door detail should not be there as the extra doors are for the M1A2 where batteries replaced the generator. In that case the fuel cap should be removed. The tank needs one or the other and not both.
 11 September 2017, 03:45

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