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Тему розпочав користувач AlexDAlexeev

Alexander Alexeev
додав новий фотоальбом.
16 зображення
Pz.Kpfw VI Tiger IIView album, image #1
1:35 Battle of Berlin (April 1945) (ICM DS3506)
11 3 February 2022, 09:22
Interesting way to do the camo
Easy way to mask it up
Very effective
 3 February 2022, 09:40
Very good build! Now waiting for the Russian counterpart ............👍
 3 February 2022, 11:01
Rui S
Nice paintjob 👍
1  12 February 2022, 01:59
Kees Borgers
Very nice build, last year we went to La Gleize in Belgium to see one for reel.

 21 July 2024, 08:31
Fantastic work with the camo!
 21 July 2024, 09:47
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 21 July 2024, 12:19

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