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Тему розпочав користувач morfandman

Andy M
додав новий фотоальбом.
17 зображення
Cheap and cheerful project buildView album, image #7
Masking tape is my best friend
1:72 Messerschmitt Bf109E-3 (Airfix A68205)
21 22 March 2023, 18:28
Moreno Baruffini
Following! I absolutely love those little projects. Good start!
 22 March 2023, 19:31
Andy M Автор
Thanks Moreno.
 22 March 2023, 19:36
Живко Джаков
Another Messerschmitt is never in excess. This should also mean that at least one is mandatory. I'm following. I have a pattern from this die. One of the first I did on my "new" period. It was a pleasure to work on it.
 10 November 2023, 14:21
Moreno Baruffini
Good progress on the splinter camo!
 4 April 2024, 13:32
Andy M Автор
 4 April 2024, 21:57
Andy M Автор
Yay, finally finished the BF109E-3.
 27 April 2024, 07:54
Moreno Baruffini
Absolutely a good finish,! Well done!
 27 April 2024, 09:24
Andy M Автор
Thanks Moreno!
 27 April 2024, 11:12

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