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Тему розпочав користувач Andy D.

Andy Dallibar
додав новий фотоальбом.
26 зображення
1/25 Centurion 165 AVREView album, image #26
Проект: Centurion 165 AVRE
1:25 Centurion Mk III (Tamiya DTD114)
28 9 July 2023, 09:23
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 10 July 2023, 20:26
Andy Dallibar Автор
Get comfy, it is going to be a long journey.
 10 July 2023, 21:56
Henry Ch.
Ha ha
 10 July 2023, 22:02
David Taylor
 3 September 2023, 18:37
Andy Dallibar Автор
Got some bits turning up in a few days, work will commence again.
 11 January 2024, 20:31
Andy Dallibar Автор
The weird thing about this kit is that it is more like 1/24
 18 February 2024, 13:55
David Taylor
Made this kit years ago and gave it to a an old friend of my fathers who served in Korea with my father.Loved building the kit.
 6 April 2024, 16:41
Andy Dallibar Автор
That's a nice gesture. The fact that the kit is 52 years old is staggering. I wish there were other tanks of this era available.
 6 April 2024, 17:37
Top work on this oldie! Very good paintwork, weathering and photography!
 17 August 2024, 08:27
David Taylor
Brill build.
 17 August 2024, 08:31

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