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Тему розпочав користувач Dave Lavazza

Dave Lavazza
додав новий фотоальбом.
16 11 December 2023, 18:56
Mr James
Wow... The level of detail is superb. The figures are excellent and the weathering and wear & tear is brilliant. Did you paint that camo sheet. Its fantastic
1  11 December 2023, 19:05
Dave Lavazza Автор
Thanks, no the camo sheets are aftermarket.
 11 December 2023, 19:06
Mr James
The amount of detailed work in this build is superb Dave. So much to look at and admire. only just noticed that lovely painted German camo tunic.
1  11 December 2023, 19:10
Rui S
Great work & figure painting, indeed 👍
1  11 December 2023, 22:32
Christian Lehmann
1  12 December 2023, 05:34
A masterpiece.
1  12 December 2023, 10:39
Zbynek Honzik
A masterpiece and beautifully photographed too! 👍
1  7 December 2024, 07:07
1  7 December 2024, 07:25

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