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Тему розпочав користувач andrsd

David Andrs
додав новий фотоальбом.
15 зображення
Suchoj Su-22M4View album, image #3
Проект: Suchoj Su-22M4
1:48 Su-17M4 Fitter-K (HobbyBoss 81758)
37 23 December 2023, 22:53
Alec K
Wow, really well done David. I like the level of dirt and grime, well executed. Not sure how this gem sneaked past me… 😄
 18 January 2024, 14:03
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic job! Very realistic.
 18 January 2024, 14:13
James C
Stunning work, congratulations 👍
 18 January 2024, 15:14
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
 18 January 2024, 15:24
David Andrs Автор
Hi all and thanks for the kind words. I finally finished the YT video of this build, so if you are interested you can watch it here: Youtube Video
 12 February 2024, 01:44
Love this build, David! The fighter looks like it's really been through a lot of flight hours!
 24 April 2024, 21:36
Rui S
Another Beauty 👍
 25 April 2024, 01:15
Indeed: another beauty!
 25 April 2024, 08:59

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