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Тему розпочав користувач Winston2019

Jonathan Atkinson
додав новий фотоальбом.
91 зображення
Zoukei Mura 1:32 Horten Ho229View album, image #82
Проект: Horten Ho 229
1:32 Horten Ho 229 (Zoukei-Mura SWS08)1:32 Horten Ho-229 (designed to be used with Zoukei-Mura kits) (1ManArmy 32DET036)
19 7 January 2024, 18:08
That is a very complex kit, but the hard work is paying off. Very nice 👍
 4 March 2024, 09:46
Jonathan Atkinson Автор
Yes it is a very complex kit. I am really enjoying the build though. Just wish ZM kits were easier to get in the UK, how hard are they to get in Spain?

 4 March 2024, 09:58
I never see them in shops to be honest, but where I live the offer is not great anyway so I have to buy most things online. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the rest of the build!
 4 March 2024, 19:11
Jonathan Atkinson Автор
I know what you mean, always shop around to see if you can get something cheaper than in the local shops. Thanks very much. I can only do modelling on Sundays so have to wait until then.
 5 March 2024, 20:57
Landlubber Mike
Looking really sweet - nice job!
 5 March 2024, 21:44

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