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Тему розпочав користувач bossy122

додав новий фотоальбом.
14 зображення
Porsche 917K 1970 Le MansView album, image #1
1:24 Porsche 917 K #023 "Shell" (Fujimi 12173)1:24 Porsche 917K '70 LM Win (for Fujimi) (Museum collection D961)
29 29 February 2024, 04:44
Michael Kohl
Nice to see a 917.
 29 February 2024, 05:34
George Williams
Good work on those stripes.
 29 February 2024, 13:03
bossy122 Автор
Thanks. Only wish it hadn't taken two attempts. On the first attempt, I couldnt get the 2 outer stripes to line up correctly at all. This time around, I applied the BIG three pronged forward decal and then quickly did the aft decal and had to adjust the 2 at the same time.
 29 February 2024, 17:25
Martin Oostrom
Nice patience tester build 😉
She looks fine to me
 6 September 2024, 08:04
Kyle DeHart
I've missed this one so far. Looking really good.
 9 September 2024, 20:36
bossy122 Автор
Thanks. Almost there...
 9 September 2024, 20:41

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